How to Be a Power Bottom

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A/N: This chapter is almost pure smut. If you wish to skip this, all you need to know for the next chapter is that Draco dresses Harry. Anyway, read on!

Draco led Harry up the two flights of stairs slowly, very aware of how much of a tease he was being. Harry was practically running to get into their bedroom but Draco wasn't having it.

"Slow down, love. Nothing's going to take me from you." Draco joked, pulling Harry so he was still leading the blindfolded man.

"Doesn't mean I have to be patient about it," Harry whined again, trying to rush ahead. Draco chuckled but pulled him back again.

Too slowly for Harry's liking they arrived at the bedroom. Draco pushed open the door quietly and pulled Harry along behind him. Once they were inside and they had locked the door just in case, Draco shoved Harry on to the bed and pinned him there by straddling him. Harry let out a groan which Draco silenced with a long kiss, making sure to "readjust" his bottom often.

"Oh fuck," Harry breathed out as Draco cut off the kiss to start unbuttoning Harry's pajama top. Draco smiled to himself and fumbled with the buttons a tad slower than normal, really savouring the feel of his groin against Harry's.

Soon enough the silky top came off and was thrown to the ground. Harry tried to slip his own trousers off with his free hands, but Draco stopped him.

"Do I need to tie up your hands too?" Harry looked uncertain at the idea, "Let me do my work, love."

Harry nodded at this and allowed his arms to rest above his head while Draco continued with his "work".

Draco trailed his fingers over Harry's torso, slowly outlining every muscle and bone that was visible. As his hands reached the pectorals he made sure to graze over the nipples just so, making Harry's breath hitch as his mouth made contact with them instead.

His tongue ran in little circles over the already aroused nipple and he let his hands go further and further south. He switched to the other side as his hands found the sculpted abs that he loved. Eventually his fingertips found the deep v that was the path to treasure, making sure to take an extra long time tracing them. Harry's hips bucked forward as the same gentle touch slowly started to remove his trousers.

"God fuck," Harry wheezed out, his breathing already laboured. Draco smiled at the profanity but smiled even more when he moved off of Harry and saw his bulging erection.

"We really do need to get you dressed," Draco said playfully, "Horsing around like this," he clicked his tongue, "Not professional at all."

Harry let out a whine at the thought and Draco chuckled slyly, "Not a fan of that, eh? Well I guess a little help never hurt," Draco trailed off, taking the cock in his left hand as he went back to making out with his boyfriend. Harry moaned into the kiss with each jerk, causing Draco to slowly pick up speed.

Soon enough Harry was very audibly moaning and precum dribbled down on to Draco's hand. He stopped jerking suddenly, pulling out of the kiss and letting there be a moment of stillness to drive Harry absolutely crazy. Draco shifted his weight and focused his mouth's attention now on the nine inch appendage throbbing in his hand.

He lowered his head slowly, allowing Harry to feel his breath getting closer and closer to his highly sensitive cock. Draco opened his mouth ever so slightly before lowering his head tantalising slowly, allowing the cock to stretch his lips accordingly. His mouth had just enveloped the head when he let his tongue come out to play.

He slowly swirled his tongue over the tip, making sure to pay extra attention to the little slit. He did this until Harry's bucking settled down and moved his head lower, taking all of the throbbing cock into his mouth and throat, letting his tongue play with the full length. Harry bucked his hips furiously at this, which Draco allowed for the first while. Once his eyes started to water his pulled his head back slowly, only to bob back down once again.

The actual sucking lasted a minute at most before Harry came hard enough to see stars, yelling loud enough to wake the dead. Draco swallowed the cum with ease, immensely satisfied with how well he performed. He pulled his head off Harry entirely and went to their closet to pick out outfits for both of them while letting Harry cool off on the bed.

Grabbing an outfit for himself he quickly got ready in the closet before rummaging through Harry's side of the closet to find him something. He eventually found something suitable and returned to his blinded lover on his bed.

"Now time for the dressing part, which won't be nearly as fun," Draco kissed him for the millionth time, "But I think we'll manage."

Draco slid on the boxer-briefs first, making sure to handle Harry's package just enough to be aroused without a full erection. The undershirt was nowhere near as erotic but it was put on as well. Next came the not so fun part- the socks.

He hadn't thought much through his plan of dressing Harry, admittedly. He sat next to his love and tried to pull the socks on that way, which just wasn't happening. Harry tried to stifle his chuckles as he felt Draco struggle with his feet.

The most effective way, he eventually found, was slip the sock on Cinderella-style with him facing Harry. Once that fight was over he let himself laugh at how ridiculous it was, allowing Harry to full on laugh as he'd been trying to.

Once that fun was over, next was on to pants. These were also not fun to try and slide on a lying-down Harry, so Draco just sighed and instructed him to stand up beside the bed instead. Harry felt a little silly being dressed like this, but he just shrugged and went with it for Draco.

"And we're done. Finally." Draco sighed as he buttoned the last button, "Remind me to never dress you like that again."

Harry let out a barking laugh, "Noted. Where to now?"

Draco chuckled and planted a peck on his boyfriends cheek, just to prove to himself that Harry was in fact that perfect and real. What more could he ask for?

"Hmm. You'll just have to find out where to, love, because my lips are sealed."


Boom. Smut. Look at that.

This is my first ever smut shared with other people, so let me know what you think!

Hope you enjoyed!

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