Have a Drarry Christmas

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Harry was going to have his first Christmas on his own in his life. No Dursleys, no Weasleys, no anyone in the same house. Just him.

So, naturally, he decided to drink himself into oblivion.

It started off well enough- he grabbed a carton of eggnog from the fridge and a bottle of rum from the cellar. He had just mixed up the drink when there was a knocking at his door. He groaned and put everything down on the coffee table, groaning as he stood from the comfy couch.

"Coming!" Harry called out, making his way to the door. He shouldn't have been surprised when it was Draco standing on the step.

"Hello, Harry. Long time no see," Draco joked, after all he'd only been gone a day. Harry looked at him with confusion.

"Draco? What are you doing here?" Harry asked, although he was genuinely happy Draco was there.

"Parents hate me. Took Scorpius from me permanently. Hell they're even thinking about moving back here," Draco tried to sound uncaring, but his voice kept cracking. He plopped down on the couch and placed his face in his hands. Behind him, Harry closed the door and followed him to the couch.

"Hey, hey," Harry said gently, "It's Christmas. You don't have to worry about all that right now. I know this is a stressful time for you, for all of us. But don't think about that now, please," Harry sighed, "How about we just have a nice Christmas together and don't think about anyone else?"

Draco let out a shaky breath, and Harry clicked his tongue and placed his arm around the other man.

"Does that sound okay?" Harry said softly, smiling sadly at Draco's uncertain nod. He placed a little kiss on Draco's forehead as he coaxed him into relaxing. The two of them cuddled on the couch in silence, enjoying each other's presence even after they both fell in a dreamless sleep.


The next morning, the lovers woke up to the sound of the grandfather clock in the parlour striking nine. Harry woke up slowly, not being able to feel his extremities under the weight of the man laying on him. Draco awoke only a moment later, and stretched out slightly before snuggling further into Harry.

"Good morning," Harry commented, his voice slightly hoarse. Draco shuddered internally at just how hot he sounded.

"Morning sexy," Draco said with his trademark smirk on his face.

"Seems like you're in a better mood." Harry joked back.

"I'm always in a better mood when I'm with you," Draco replied, snuggling even further into Harry's muscly frame.

"Aww aren't you just adorable," Harry planted a kiss in the crook of Draco's neck, causing him to squirm.

"I refuse to be called such childish things," Draco huffed, even though his childish grin was a dead giveaway.

"Mhmm. Anything you say baby," Harry replied, smiling as he saw Draco try and think of a response, "And while I love laying here with you, I can't feel my feet."

"Ugh fine," Draco sat up and shifted so Harry could do the same. He made sure to wrap an arm around Harry, however, because his brain still wasn't sure that this was all real.

"Want some breakfast?" Harry asked. Draco put back on his smirk and pretended to think.

"Hmm. Only if I can get a taste of dessert first," Draco purred, moving closer to Harry to get a long and loving kiss.

"Mm. And what has you so..stimulated this morning?" Harry asked, playing coy while his hand explored Draco's thigh, causing the more experienced man to squirm.

"I'm tired of worrying about the future. I just want to live right now for once," Draco's voice decreased in volume as his mouth approached Harry's ear. A quick nibble caused Harry to do some squirming of his own.

"I like the sound of that," Harry smiled quite deviously, turning his head to meet Draco's lips straight-on. The arm Draco had wrapped around Harry started to explore his sculpted muscles, and he smiled as he found the sexy abs he'd always pictured.

The kissing heated up, and Harry turned fully towards Draco so he could pull his face closer with one hand and explore Draco's body with his other hand. Draco used this opportunity to snake his tongue slyly into Harry's mouth, feeling much more pleased when Harry returned the favour.

Draco went into overdrive, letting his body guide his motions. His mouth moving in sync with Harry's while his hands retreating from their brief expedition. He used his slender fingers to start to undo Harry's tie and try and unbutton the maroon shirt as well. Harry eventually broke off the kiss and joined the frantic undressing, completely too caught up in the moment to be scared.

The two had just managed to strip of their shirts and undershirts when Harry grabbed Draco's hand and dragged him into the first open bedroom- in this case the guest room. There they stripped of their shoes, socks, and Harry had just gotten his belt off when Draco decided to make his move. He started off by kissing Harry's neck heavily while grabbing his hips and pulling them closer.

"Do you want this?" Draco breathed out, staring down Harry's emerald orbs with his own stormy grey ones, "I need to be sure."

Harry gave him a slow kiss, which almost melted Draco into a puddle right there and then. He smiled through their little staring contest.

"I've never wanted anything more."

Muhahaha. Yes I am going to leave you hanging there, it's actually happening.

Let me know what you think of adding a sex scene in here, and the effect it would have on the rating of the book. If it's going to lose me readers then there's no way I'll do it.

Please provide some feedback, and hope you enjoyed!

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