At the Weasleys'

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"Arthur? Can you get the paper? The post's in," Molly called behind her as she scrubbed one of her many pans clean. The Weasley family had just finished breakfast and Molly was thriving cooking for the number of relatives in for the holidays. Christmas was only in two days, after all.

"I'll get it Molly," Hermione called out from the living room, where she, Ginny, and Fleur had been having a tea party with Lily, Rose, Roxanne, Lucy, Molly, Victoire, and Dominique while the other two mothers were out shopping for lunch's ingredients.

"Thank you dear," Molly called back.

Hermione paid the owl from the change drawer in the dresser under the window and grabbed the paper. She flicked it open and read the headline. Immediately she gasped and growled angrily; she tossed the paper into the kitchen for Molly before stomping over to where Ginny sat pouring tea for the little ones.

"Ginny, may I borrow you for a second?" Ginny looked up, slightly confused, and nodded as she stood up. They excused themselves from the tea party and stepped into Hermione and Ron's bedroom.

Ginny turned to face Hermione and to ask what was going on when she was slapped in the face. Hard.

"Ow! What the bloody hell was that for, Hermione?" Ginny held her cheek as her anger started to build out of her confusion.

"You sold out Harry? To fucking Rita Skeeter?!" Hermione yelled, enraged that Ginny would do such a horrible thing.

"He was cheating on me with Malfoy!" Ginny defended herself, crossing her arms defiantly across her chest.

"He never cheated on you. Hell he refused to even kiss Malfoy until you two were divorced!" Hermione yelled, twisting the truth just a little.

"Bullshit, Hermione! He was over at Malfoy's almost every other day!  If he wants to shatter my heart then goddamn it if I'm just going to sit there and take it." Ginny's face was going as red as her hair.

"No matter what was happening, there is no excuse for you to be going  to the press about it. Harry's exposed enough already!" Hermione ran her hands through her hair in frustration.

"Of course you're on his side! You know Hermione, I thought we were friends," Ginny spat.

"And I thought you have two shits about Harry. Have you told your mother?" Hermione asked, tired of fighting with her. Ginny sat down and put her face in her hands as she thought about the question.

"No. I told her we had a fight and that we were taking a break. Hell I didn't even tell her about the official divorce," Ginny fought the tears out of her eyes.

"Go tell her. Before she reads it in the paper." Hermione demanded, holding the door open for the redhead. Ginny sighed and made her way into the kitchen.

"Mum? Have you read the paper yet?" Ginny asked as she entered the kitchen. She found her mother still scrubbing the last pot, the paper left untouched on the table.

"Not yet. Why?" She asked as she wiped her forehead and placed the pot in the sink.

"I haven't been completely honest with you about Harry and I," Ginny sighed.

"Oh? How so?" Molly asked suspiciously.

"We were fighting, yes, and we have taken a break but it's not temporary. We're officially divorced," Ginny admitted.

"Honey you stopped wearing your ring as soon as you got here. That wasn't that hard to see," Molly said with a bit of sassiness in her voice.

"That's not all. Harry's gay," Ginny closed her eyes as she said it, not wanting to see her mother's reaction. She heard a scrubbing brush fall to the ground and opened her eyes to see Molly staring at her in disbelief.

"He's- are you sure- could be an excuse-" Molly tried to form a sentence. Her mind just didn't process that the boy she saw as her own son could be that mentally ill.

"He told me himself. That and he's started seeing Draco," Ginny said the last part under her breath but her mom still heard it.

"He's what? Ginny how could you leave him when he so obviously needs professional help?" Ginny looked at her mom weirdly.

"Mum being gay isn't a mental disease-"

"Of course it is! For a man to claim to love another man he must be deranged, it's unnatural," Molly ranted. Ginny shook her head.

"Whatever. Anyway I wanted you to hear it from me first," Ginny handed her mother the paper and left the kitchen, hearing her mother's gasps behind her.

She sat down on the worn-out leather couch and saw Hermione looking at her expectantly.

"Mum thinks that being gay is a mental disorder and that I shouldn't have left him in his time of need," Ginny sighed. Fleur and the girls didn't seem to hear her as they played pretend house.

"I feared as much. Wizards aren't that accepting of the LGBT community," Hermione responded. Ginny quirked an eyebrow.

"The what community?"

"LGBT. Stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender. They have all the pride parades and are really fighting for their rights right now," Hermione explained, although he could see it going right over Ginny's head.

"Right. Well now my mum's got the thought in her head that Harry's a victim," Ginny got the topic back on track.

"Do you think she'll invite him for Christmas? That could be a mess," Hermione said, secretly hoping that Harry wouldn't have to be alone on Christmas. He should be here, at least to be with his kids.

"I don't know. You ask her later, I don't want to be involved in that choice," Ginny said, trying to put the thought out of her head.

"I will." Hermione confirmed. She smiled- if it was up to her to convince Molly, she had it in the bag. Her only hurdle would be convincing Harry.

Shorter chapter, but now you can see what's happening away from Draco and Harry.

Is the cover crappy? I just made it. Idk if I'm just not used to it or what, but let me know what you think!

Hope you enjoyed!

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