Coming Out

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That kissing didn't lead to much, but both parties were walking on air afterwards. Harry went home and didn't care that he was still stuck on the couch, he'd rather do that then have to try and keep forcing feelings with Ginny that aren't there.

James was at Hogwarts, but Albus and Lily knew something was wrong. In the mornings, when they used to have a big family breakfast, Ginny would no longer get up in time to join it, so it was just Harry and the two kids.

"Daddy, where's Mommy? She's missing breakfast again!" Lily stomped her little foot on the ground, as if missing breakfast was some big felony.

"Mommy just doesn't feel like eating, little one," Harry tried to explain. But he knew that that excuse would only last so long.

In their trade off, Ginny was the one to put the kids to bed each night. Harry no longer got to read bedtime stories or hear about their days. It was never set or anything, but it felt wrong to miss such a little thing that meant so much.

Meanwhile Harry's newfound sexuality kept him on his toes. Any mention of gays made him jump, any questions about his marriage were shut down. Ron and Hermione noticed that something funny was happening and brought it up during lunch.

"Harry, what's happened?" Hermione asked out of nowhere, it seemed to Harry.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked back, his voice a step higher then usual.

"Well you've been really happy for the last few months, but-" Hermione started.

"But now you've gotten all panicked, mate. And Ginny's an absolute wreck, telling the whole family you're cheating on her, not that any of us believe it," Ron tried to assure, but his face told Harry the whole story. If there was any time to tell everyone, now was it.

"Everything has just been a mess, and I don't know what I want anymore," Harry sighed, "I'm not even sure I love Ginny," he muttered under his breath. Their faces were as if Harry had grown a face on the back of his head.

"Wha-what's got you confused?" Hermione asked, hoping this was all a misunderstanding.

"Don't kill me for this, alright?" Harry stalled as he tried to phrase his story.

"You can tell us anything, Harry," Ron reassured his friend.

"These past few months, I've- I've been helping out Draco," Harry ignored their mixed reactions and continued, "He's got a lot of old dark objects around his Manor and I offered to help him destroy them. All it was meant to be was a friendly gesture, to make up for how horrible we were to each other in the past."

"Makes sense, but what does this have-," Ron tried to but in.

"Let me finish, please. As I hung out with Draco more, that feeling I'm always getting? It left me. I don't know what it is but Draco helps. Anyway I was meeting with him twice a week and Ginny started getting suspicious. Ever since she's accused me of cheating on her," Harry decided to conveniently leave out the kiss for the time being.

"And you're not, right? You're just hanging out with Draco?" Hermione tried to clarify.

"I'm just meeting with Draco," Harry tried to avoid their questions. He didn't want his newfound orientation on tomorrow's Daily Prophet.

"Why not just stop hanging out with Draco? It'd stop worrying Ginny so much and I'm sure the git could get it through his head that your wife comes first," Ron responded, as if it was the easiest solution in the world.

"I can't- I just-," Harry put his face in his hands, "I feel like a bloody teenager,"

"Don't tell me that hanging out with the git for a few months has got you caring for him?" Ron kept responding as Hermione looked at Harry with her all-knowing eyes.

"Ron, I think our friend here has a crush on a certain Draco Malfoy," Hermione half-whispered.

Harry's face turned as red as Ron's hair and even his gangly hands could not cover it all. Ron was at a mix between shock and anger and so he just sat there with his jaw seconds away from dislocating.

"Tell me it's not true," Ron said after an eternity, "You're married, for Pete's sake! To my sister!"

"Ron, I said this is all very confusing for me," Harry said weakly, muffled by his hands.

"How could you do this to Ginny?! You married her! Gave her three kids! And then you fall for Malfoy?!" Ron yelled, slamming his hands down on the table. Harry was glad that Hermione had a habit of putting up silencing charms, otherwise Ron's statement would've been heard by the entire town.

"I don't know what's happening either, Ron! I'm sorry that I wronged Ginny by marrying her when I didn't know what I wanted!" Harry shouted back. Hermione looked hopelessly between the two, unable to tell who need to calm down more.

"Ron," Hermione tried, but he ignored her.

"Then why the bloody hell did you propose?! Or say I do! Or give her three fucking children!" Ron swore, fully pissed at this point.

"That's what I was told to do!" Harry shouted back, fighting the tears in the corners of his eyes.

"Ron, we're leaving," Hermione said sternly. She grabbed his arm and stood him up. She turned to Harry briefly, "Harry I'm sorry about this. How about tonight just you and I get together so we can talk about this?" Harry nodded, "Good. I'll meet you at your place tonight, now I have to clam down this one," and with that the pair left the restaurant, leaving Harry to mull over how horrible his life is going to be.

And four! This is all I have for this bulk upload, be warned.

Hope you enjoyed!

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