Dinner and Presents

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"Harry? You almost ready?" Draco called as he tapped his foot in the living room. Harry walked out a few seconds later, still fixing his hair, grumbling something about being rushed.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Draco smiled and fixed the tuft of hair that Hardy had been battling. Harry smiled sheepily at him and Draco couldn't resist going in for a little peck.

"As if I could remember now," Harry joked, trying to go in for a peck himself. Draco turned his face at the last second and got a peck on the cheek instead.

"Ah ah, not too much of that. Come on, I'm taking you to one of my favourite restaurants." Draco tsked before grabbing Harry's arm and apparating the both of them.

They appeared in the redone section of Diagon Alley, where a grand marble building labelled "Magus Gustus" sat. Draco pulled Harry along and led them into the lobby.

"Table for two please, Malfoy tab." Draco said with a polite smile on his face. The man taking tables quickly told the couple in front of them to wait and led Harry and Draco to an exclusive table in the back. The waiter poured them each a glass of wine, took their orders, and quickly got as far away as possible.

"What is all that about?" Harry asked, feeling like he'd gone through an hour's ordeal in two minutes.

"It's the Malfoy treatment. We used to be sat," Draco pointed to a circular table near the front, which sat two high-class sisters it looked like, "up there. They'd show us off to everyone as if bragging that we would eat here. Now after the war they still cater to us, but shove us back here so we don't scare off customers."

Harry saw Draco's nostalgic face and tried to make the best of it, "It might be for the better that we're back here. Less likely to attract the press, after all."

Draco's face switched to mildly disappointed, "I suppose."

"And besides," Harry grabbed Draco's hand across the table, "I like the little bit of privacy."

The two locked eyes and shared a smile for a brief moment before the waiter came back, this time with the manager in tow.

"Mr. Harry Potter, sir, I'm sorry that my waiters seem to have pushed you back into this dark corner. Would you like a better seat?" The manager spoke directly to Harry, not even skimming his eyes over Draco.

"I'm afraid, sir, that you have left out what my date would do in this situation," Harry stared out the manager, keeping the hand holding Draco's directly in his sight.

"Well- I- um-" The manager stuttered, actually noticing Draco's presence.

"Oh don't worry about it, dear. It would be rude for us to impose on the restaurant as such. Come, we can eat elsewhere," Draco played along, fighting to keep the smirk of his face.

The manager was really sweating now, "Oh no no no, Mr. Malfoy, that won't be necessary. It was silly of me to bring it up-"

"So you won't move us?" Harry snapped back, asking Draco with his eyes if he really wanted to move. Draco nodded his head slightly, tired of being shoved out of the way in the place he had frequented all his life. Harry smiled at him, assuring him he'd do what he can.

"Oh I thought he said-" the manager wiped off his glistening forehead while still trying to look professional.

"You offered me a better seat, sir. And if you were a man of your word, you would show my date and I to our new table." Harry somehow demanded politely. Draco tried to gulp discreetly- maybe Harry would make a better top...

"Yes, Mr. Potter, um, right this way," The manager gestured for them to follow him, and he sent off the waiter to clear off the table that the sisters had just left. Harry and Draco stood to follow him, making sure to share a little smile when the manager wasn't looking.

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