A Little Get-Together

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Eventually the Potters returned home, with Harry being sure to get a goodbye kiss, and the Malfoys were left alone once again in their creaky manor.

Another week passed by before they could meet up again. Both divorces had been finalised and the pair decided to celebrate, inviting Hermione, Neville, and Luna around for drinks. Part of Harry wished Ron would've come, but it just wouldn't have ended well for anyone. Neville and Luna hadn't heard about all the fuss, considering Hogwarts had just started winter vacation. And since Ginny had the kids for the first half of break, Harry thought now was as good as ever.

Draco was the first to apparate into Grimmauld place, getting a quick peck from a busy Harry before he helped out with the snacks. Harry had just finished laying everything out on the parlour room coffee table when Neville and Luna apparated in together.

"Hello Harry," Neville said without looking, only to then notice the Malfoy, "And Draco. Didn't know you'd be coming."

"Of course. It's a joint celebration after all," Draco commented, giving Harry a look: Were Neville and told what this was for? Harry seemed to have the same thought and gave Draco a look of cluelessness.

"Oh we weren't sure what this whole gathering was for," Luna said in her usual airy voice.

"Draco and I are celebrating our divorces," Harry said unsure of himself. What if they sided with the Weasleys? What if they hated Harry for crushing Ginny's heart?

"You finally did it?" Neville asked, not sounding angry at all. Harry was slightly confused about the comment.

"Finally? What do you mean?"

Neville snorted, "Oh please mate. You didn't even want to propose to her," Luna nodded and Neville continued, "I'm just surprised it took you this long."

Harry's mouth kinda gaped a bit. Had he really been that obvious? How had he not seen it before?

Luna spoke up next, "And you Draco? You've divorced Astoria?"

Draco nodded, "Merlin knows my parents will be pissed at me for it. I'm just waiting for her to go to the Daily Prophet," He joked. It got a few smiles out of everybody. After that Hermione popped into the foyer and joined everyone in the parlour.

"Sorry I'm late, my client was being a bit hostile," She apologised, trying to smooth out her flyaways and tuck stray strands back into her bun.

"No problem 'Mione. We were just getting Neville and Luna caught up on the whole situation," Harry explained, handing everyone a glass of wine.

"And you two making up. When did that happen?" Neville asked after a long sip, gesturing to Draco and Harry.

"Oh it's been a few months, early summer," Harry commented before drinking to avoid the question.

Draco snorted, "Yeah, and that's when you arrested me,"

"You arrested him?" Hermione asked, surprised she hasn't heard this part of the tale.

"Some lady reported him on 'suspicious behaviour' charges and I just had to arrest him," Harry joked around, refilling his glass.

"And were you being suspicious, Draco?" Luna asked, with a snort from Neville.

"Always be suspicious: that's the Malfoy motto," He replied snarkily.

"So how's Hogwarts been treating you two?" Hermione asked to change the subject.

"Herbology is just amazing to teach. Not everyone's great at it but the few students that are get really into it," Neville gushed.

"So just like you, then?" Harry commented as he brought his glass up to his lips again.

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