how he makes you mad on purpose cause he thinks its cute

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Malak -he eats your food, when he has the same thing, he'll reach on your plate eat it and then look up and smile his beautiful smile. Meanwhile you jus glare at him. But he thinks it's cute. But you ain't playing.

Jaden -you don't cuddle with him so he threatens to find a girlfriend who will, you gasped and cross your arms and pout. He thinks its cute and he comes over and wraps his arms around you, and kisses your cheek and says he's just playing (better be).

Craig -Win you don't win against him in basketball (its impossible) you stump your foot and walk off he thinks its cute so,he runs up behind you and wraps his arms around you and spins your around, you laugh.

Tayvion -when he does flips and he knows you can only do a cartwheel, you pout cause you aren't as flexible as him. He promises to help you cause you look cute when your mad and by the day is over you can do a
round off back flip, tuck.

Ben -when he holds things up in the air,your short so its funny to him and cute when you try to jump and get it, you sit on the floor looking down he sits down and hugs you and gives you your stuff, you look over at him and smile and kiss him too.

Ken -when you wanna go somewhere with him and he says no because your annoying, you look at him almost in tears, and he busts out laughing and hugs you and says "I'm just playing" you still pout and he just picks you up and puts you in the car so you can go on the journey with him to wherever.

Main Bae's :Malak,Tayvion,Ben,KenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin