Dating Tayion Would include:

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-eating pizza

-going to the gym and you Snapchatting it

-car rides with his mom

-him doing flips and tricks

-him trying to teach you how to do a back flip

-"I swear to god its easy Y/n"

-"no Tayvion cuz if I bus my stuff I'm buss'n you in yo face"

-him laughing

-him picking you up and spinning you around

-nuzzling his face into your neck

-funny text convo's

-you being jealous cuz of all the girl on his SC story (cuz it be a lot of em)

-going to the mall every weekend

-sleep overs

-going to the park and him pushing you on the swings

-nose kisses

Main Bae's :Malak,Tayvion,Ben,KenOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant