something he finds cute about you

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Malak -he finds it cute when you get camera shy, and you hide your face. 😊 he also likes when u have them outgoing days and you love the camera. He likes how sometimes you can be shy and others, outgoing.😉

Jaden -he absolutely loves that your sassy he thinks its cute even when its towards him, he likes how you have a witty combat for everything, and its definitely a turn on for him too.😏💕

Craig -He loves how nothing gets in the way of you getting what you want,in other words he loves that you don't need anyone to help you with anything, you got it all by yourself independent is your middle name basically. Your a BO$$🔥👌

Ben - "C-O-N-F-I-D-E-N-T, that's me I'm confident, I want ya compliments use common sense, I'm on my
Michelle Obama shhhh, shut yo mouth boy I think you know who run this house, I ain't thirsty for no Bae, cuz I already know what you tryna say,you say that you a baller and I see you tryna holla but that ain't how I was workin for the Money cuz that's what my mama taught me so yo ass betta show me some respect, BO$$"

Sorry got caught into it I love the song by fifth harmony but let's get back to why ben loves you

But that's what you were, you were the walking,talking definition of confidence, nothing stopped your shine, you weren't conceited but you knew you weren't ugly because you still pulled boys, Ben was the proof, he loved that he didn't have to pep talk you when people brought you down you were always ok.✊👊💪💯

Tayvion -you were stubborn, you stood by whatever you did or wanted proudly even if you were wrong, you always were right most of the time, you were strong willed, you had a big heart and no one could take that from you. You weren't afraid to break down and cry from time to time, and to Tayvion that's a true strong person, you were able to show your vulnerable side to him and open up to him. It made him feel wonderful😇👏

Main Bae's :Malak,Tayvion,Ben,KenWhere stories live. Discover now