You Mention him in your graduation speech

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A/N short and inspired by my bid day today

Malak - He wasn't their because he had to go back to Hawaii for a a few days because of family stuff, you understood but Still missed your baby. It was time for you to walk across the stage. You smiled as they said your name you walked across the stage grabbed your diploma and walked to the podium to give your speech. "I never thought that this would be such an important moment, but it is because even though I still have a long way to go still,I finally reached my goal. You said "part of that is because of my family,friends, and my Boyfriend Malak, all supportive of me no matter what, and I want you guys to know I love you. You said crying a little. Your mom got it all on video so Malak could see, and you didn't even know. He promised you'd celebrate, just the two of you when he got back.

Jaden - A/N fave of em all
Today was your big Day you were finally graduation excited couldn't describe you felt, it was bitter sweet because you other half Jaden couldn't make it because of a photo shoot, they called your name "Y/n Y/l/n" you principal called you "our honor roll student and salutatorian" everyone clapped really loud. You grabbed your diploma. "Anything you wanna say
Ms. Y/n?" They asked you. "Uh yes" you said as you walked up to the podium. "Today us a very special day for me and my fellow classmates, we all may have slacked a Lil bit, but we made it, all it took was self discipline , hard work, guidance ,and love, I'd like to thank my Parents for never pushing me too hard, and being there for me, and my friends for keeping my mind right threw it all, and last but definitely not least....
You looked as you felt tears run down your face. "My better Half Jaden, for helping me with my work and telling me that its ok to fail sometimes, I love you and I wish you were here. You said laughing letting out tears. "Thanx for being my best friend" you finished. You shook peoples hands as you walked off stage. One hand in particular held your hand a little more firm than the others, you looked up to see Jaden smiling. "You thought I'd go to a photo shoot over seeing my baby girl graduate?" He laughed. And you jumped into his arms. He caught you and you cried into his neck. He stroked your back. "I'm so proud of you babe" he said. Best graduation in history. A/N longer than the others but I just love it

Craig -he was graduating with you. You grabbed his hand sitting and waiting for your named to be called up "Y/n Y/l/n" they announced you looked over at Craig. He smiled "go get what you worked so hard for babe" you smiled and kissed him. You walked to get your diploma. "I'd like to thank my teachers for helping me no matter how frustrated I made them, it was a crazy, bumpy, yet fun road that all led me up to this moment. You said "I would like to say thank to every single person In this room who believed in me, thank you mom, thank you dad, thank you, auntie,thank you to everyone, I love you all. "I'm super duper Happy to be graduating along side my crazy Boyfriend Craig, I love you to pieces , thank you for always being there and not letting me lose site of what was important here" you said he smiled at you and you blew him a kiss. And said thank you and walked back to your seat next to him.

Tayvion - Was in the audience waiting for you to be called up we was going to record it all. "Last by certainly not least, Ms. Y/n Y/l/n" they said you walked up and shook their hands and said thank you. "This is such an amazing moment, and I can't believe it is happening, I really don't know what to say" you rambled. "So I'll make this quick" you laughed "thank you mom, thank you dad, for shoeing me true unconditional love, and thank you to my Boyfriend Tayvion, your one of the reasons I kept going and I would not be up here if it wasn't for your guys" you smiled "I love you to no end, thank you" you finished he recorded it all with a smile on his face.

Ben -he was standing on stage and was going to give you your diploma. They called you last "Y/n Y/l/n" they smiled ad you got up and loud cheers erupted. "Thank you all, today is exciting because I get to rub it in people's faces that I made it and they said I wouldn't" you said laughing. "Today is very special, I see my family in the audience, I see my friends graduating, I see other proud parents, and best of all, my boyfriend is hanging me my diploma" you said looking over at him, and smiling as he did the same, thank you Babe for being here since day one and never leaving my side, I love you Ben" you said tearing up. Everyone clapped. You walked over to him and grabbed your diploma, you hugged and kissed him. And you both walked off stage with your diploma's.

A/N did you like it...I hope so... Anyways wish me luck because I pray to god that I don't fall lol

Main Bae's :Malak,Tayvion,Ben,KenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora