Christmas Gifts to eachother

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Craig -he got you a freshly groomed Pomeranian and a Pandora Bracelet

You -you got Craig a Gucci Belt with a matching watch

Jaden -he got you some
Coda Neon Leather Gucci High Tops in every color

You -you got Jaden a Range Rover all black with LED lighting under the truck

Malak -he got you a Gucci Backpack and a 24 carrot necklace

You -got Malak tickets to the Bahamas in a private plane

Tayvion -he got you tickets to see Chris brown and VIP passes

You -you got him courtside seats to the Lakers Vs. Spurse Game and after that he hung with some of the players

Benny -got you a Spa Trip and a Necklace from Pandora

You -got him a new Lamborghini and A flat screen Tv

A/N idk I ran out of ideas I still hoped you liked👌👍😂🙏😉😁😊

Main Bae's :Malak,Tayvion,Ben,KenHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin