1. An Unwanted girl

Start from the beginning

“What happened hon- who are you?” my dad asked catching sight of the madman.

The man looked extremely irritated. “I’m here to take your daughter away- ”

“Take who away?” my dad said descending down the stairs.

The man sneered, “Your daughter, Mr.Lewis. Since this is the last time you’ll be seeing Elvis, it would be better if, instead of asking me unreasonable questions, you share goodbyes with each other.”

“Take me?” “Take Elvis?” I and my dad said at the same time.

“I thought this was the only way how I could help this family meet; by breaking in at night, before Elvis is taken away from you forever. Of course I don’t think it will make such a difference to all of your lives… you’ve never bothered enough for your younger daughter. Nonetheless, I felt obliged to do this. Come now Elvis, I can’t spend my whole night here.”

“What are you speaking about?” mom asked.

The man just sneered at her in reply. Turing back he said “Reparo” and bada-boom, the vase repaired on its own account! Then he turned to face me and muttered indifferently, “this is the last time you’ll be seeing your family Elvis, look at them while you can, will you?”

I was too shocked to think so I just followed what he had asked me to do. I looked back to watch my family truly for the last time.

“Oblivate,” the man said with a flick of his stick and I watched as the faces of my family became stone-still. “Come on,” the man pulled me away from my house and out into the street.


He pulled my hand along with his,and as soon as we were outside, I touched something. A shoe. As soon as I touched the shoe however, I was pulled forward. Up and up, the wind tugged at my hair as I was raised upwards. I screamed enjoying but still feeling scared. I shut my eyes tight and started screaming louder as we spun round and round.

Finally with a thud I fell on the ground. I groaned in pain. The man was on his feet as if nothing had happened. He was looking at me with a disgusted expression. Without waiting for me, he started walking away again.

Scowling, I got up and started wiping my clothes. I ran, finally beside him. He didn't speak, just kept walking. I took time to look around. Where was I? There were trees all around….

"Where are we?" I asked. No reply.

Fine with me. I was feeling an odd sense of homeliness in this place anyway.

We walked on without sharing word which okay. I marveled at the new dimension I was in… there were trees bending low over me casting long shadows on the narrow road. Was this a dream? Magic?

Then after walking for some while, the trees parted and I gasped.

A beautiful large building was ahead of me, with towers and all. 

Slowly, I trudged in front of the gate. The man took out his special stick and said, “Alohomora.” The lock opened on its own! I gaped at the lock as if urging it to tell me how it did that.  He led me through corridors lit with lamps till a wall with a gargoyle came in view. “Fizzing Whizzbies,” he said. I gulped when the gargoyle jumped back…on its own.

He walked further towards the spiraling stairs. Once I stepped on it though, it started moving upwards! Exactly like an escalator. “Whoa!” I let out a little yelp of surprise when it moved without any warning.

Up and up we went and it stopped at the mouth of a huge brass door. The man glowered at me without any reason (which I returned for no reason), before he knocked at the door.

“Come in,” an old voice said.

An old man with snow- white long hair and beard, was seated on a chair.

"Here you are Dumbledore," the man said.

"Thank you," Dumbledore acknowledged him. The man left.

“Hello,” he greeted me, “Good evening.”

“Good evening,” I replied, "Where am I?"

“Please take a seat,” he motioned me to sit on the chair opposite him. Uncertainly, I sat down taking my time to look around the office. There were pictures of all kinds of people who were in a sleeping position. I thought I saw their chests expand and contract as though they were breathing, but dismissed it thinking it was just my imagination. There was a stand too, where a bright colored bird lay sleeping.

“Well Elvis, this is Hogwarts, a school for young witches and wizards like you. You should have been starting from the age of 11 but unfortunately, we could not locate that there WAS a young witch in America. Ah, miracles of old age…” He sighed and looked up, “I’ve wondered a lot about how to deal with you and I’ve decided you better start school from the fifth year. Though you wouldn’t know anything much, it would be harder for you if you were to start from the first year with the eleven-year-olds. After all you are fourteen. Elvis, I know this will be hard. Therefore Elvis, I have appointed a teacher for you who will teach you all that is necessary since I’m too busy. Tomorrow,since this is your first time, the necessary things you need will be provided for you, in the place of your residence. Is that understood?”

I nodded. 

“Any questions?”

"So many!" I said."How does this magic thing work? And what is this school thing going on? And why was that man referring to my 'family' as 'mugghals'? Can you elaborate on your explanation of the school? And how did that stick open that lock? Do I really belong here? AM I a WITCH?! Then that moment in school when Sarah's frock caught fire while teasing me was no co-incident? How can magic be possible??"

I opened my mouth then closed it again. There were so many questions swirling in my head, I couldn’t ask all at once. 

“Muggles,” he corrected me, “are non-magical people like your family. Yes, I suppose the girl whose frock caught fire was caused by you because you ARE a witch. As for the other questions, will it not be better if the teacher appointed would explain it to you?"

"Teacher appointed?"

Wow. This all was so interesting. Now that I thought of it, supernatural things HAD happened at times. But this information was too big for me to swallow. It was not that I was scared. Nah, this interesting stuff couldn't scare me. Still... there were some doubts inside my head. Was I really a witch? Of course they couldn't be kidnapping me. They seemed nice enough, at least nicer than my family (they didn't scorn or make fun of me).  First of all, if they were some bad men, they wouldn’t have the creativity to make up all these words like ‘muggles’, ‘Alo-’ something and all that. Secondly, that gargoyle, the lock opening on its own, the escalator, wasn’t something scientific. Thirdly, they were decently enough dressed although I had never seen such clothes. 

Suddenly a loud CRACK sound filled the entire room. A haggard looking man who was smelling of beer had appeared out of thin air. "Oh my god!" I jumped up from my chair. He was so.... scary? How the hell did he appear out of thin air??

The stranger's eyes glanced at me for a second before putting his gaze back to the headmaster. The headmaster had risen on his feet too.

"Dum-Dumbledore, Harry- Harry Potter- was- attacked- Dementors," the man squeaked.


AN: So there you go! Elvis's first time of hearing the word 'Harry'! :D

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