Chapter 60: Found

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You ran into the cold, dark, night. You ran until you had made it to the forest. The same one that you and Dan had gotten lost in. You ran deep into it, until you were sure that no one would find you. You sat down on the damp ground and cried. That was the hardest thing you had ever done.

"Hey," you heard a voice call out from the darkness. You didn't reply. "Madeline, it's just me," you heard the voice call out again. "W-who's there?" you sobbed. A figure came and sat beside you. It was Will. "Will what are you doing here?" you asked. "Shh," he commanded. "Kyle chased me here, don't make to much noise or he'll find us," Will explained. You nodded. "Whats wrong?" he asked you quietly. "I can't be with Dan anymore Will, all I do is hurt him. If I stay with him, one day he'll die and it'll be my fault," you whispered. "Dan loves you Madeline, no matter what," Will reminded. "I know, and I love him too. I can't stand hurting him though, and that's all I do. Kyle will continue to find us and he will always get hurt because he tries to help me," you replied.

You heard a twig snap in the distance. Will looked scared. "Don't make a sound," he mouthed. He got up silently, and motioned for you to follow him. The two of you ran through the bush, trying to find a way out. "I CAN HEAR YOU!" Kyle yelled. "Shit," Will muttered. You turned to look behind you and Kyle was standing there. He punched your left temple, and your vision blurred.

The last thing you remembered before blacking out, was Kyle holding the barrel of a gun to your chest.

You awoke in the hospital. "Hello Madeline," a nurse said when you woke up. "There's someone who's been dying to see you," she smiled, and opened the door. Dan entered the room in a wheelchair. His eyes were puffy, and cheeks blotchy from crying. "Madeline, I know you said you wanted to keep me safe by leaving, but I can't do it, I can't stay away from you," he sobbed. You began to cry. "I just want what's best for you Daniel. I want you to be safe," you whimpered. You shivered, as pain pierced your chest. "Ow!" you cried. "You might wanna take it easy, Kyle shot you and the bullet barely missed your heart," Dan replied. "I want what's best for you," you repeated. "You are what is best for me. I can't live without you. Please stay with me," he cried. "I will," you replied. Dan smiled, and scooted the wheelchair beside your bed. "Is your leg paralyzed?" you asked him. He shook his head, "I need to stay off it."

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