Chapter 59: For Your Own Good

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Kyle stepped out of the darkness. "How was your little trip?" he asked deviously. "Get out of here Kyle," Dan mumbled. "Oh, but we haven't had any fun yet!" Kyle said. "GET OUT!" Dan screamed. Kyle began to laugh, and grabbed Dan's throat. He tied Dan up, and then grabbed you. He threw you into a room and locked the door.

You heard Dan scream in pain. "Let me out Kyle!" you demanded. "Ok," he replied before unlocking the door. He threw a bag over your head and tied you hands and feet up. You heard Dan yelp, and then footsteps came towards you. You felt a blade softly run across your throat. He didn't cut you.

You woke up with a pounding head. There was blood everywhere. There was no sign of Dan or Kyle. There was blood leading to the bathroom. You began to cry. "Dan," you whispered. No answer. You opened the bathroom door, only to find that it was empty. There was a note laying in the floor. It was written in blood, most likely Dan's. 'If you ever want to see lover boy again, go to the old warehouse, and bring $1000.'

This was all too familiar. You just hoped it wouldn't end the same way as it did with Dan's dad. You began to sob. You looked in the mirror. Your face was covered in cuts and bruises. Then, you ran into your room, threw on some of Dan's clothes, and grabbed the money. You felt safe in his clothes.

'To Will:

Kyle attacked me and Dan last night. Dan is gone. Kyle left a note. Meet me outside old warehouse in 5 minutes.' You hit send. 'On my way,' Will texted back.

You had ran all the way to the warehouse. You passed the note to Will, and he inspected it. "Woody's on his way, we will come up with a plan when he gets here," Will whispered.

When Woody arrived, Will handed him the note. "Wait, it this written in blood?" he asked. You nodded. "Ok, here's the plan," Will started to explain.

"Kyle, I have the money," you called into the warehouse. He walked towards you. "Let me see," he asked. You showed him the stack. "Dan get over here you slob," he called. Dan limped towards you. He was covered in blood. "Now give me the money and get the fuck out of here before I shoot your sorry asses!" He yelled. You threw the money at him. "You are a disgusting human being," you spat. "Excuse me?" he turned around and shot Dan in the back of the leg. Dan wailed and fell to the floor.

Will and Woody burst through the door. "How cute, you brought back up," he smirked. "Woody, take them to the hospital," Will ordered. He nodded and slung Dan over his shoulder. You followed closely behind him as he walked to the car.

"Why the hell didn't you call us in!" Woody yelled. "I thought everything was fine, I didn't think he would do that," you sobbed. "Stop yelling please," Dan mumbled. You held his body in your arms. "How do you feel hun?" you asked him. "Like shit," he replied. Tears were streaming down him face.

"Is he going to be ok?" you asked a nurse at the hospital. "Well, the bullet hit one of the tendons in his leg, so there is a possibility that his leg could be paralyzed," she answered sympathetically. You began to sob. "You can go see and see him if ou would like," she offered. "Thanks so much," you replied. She smiled, and let you into his room.

Dan smiled when he saw you walk in. "He's been begging to see you since he got here," the nurse said, making Dan blush. She turned and walked out of the room. "Aw, did you miss me Danny," you cooed. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright," he answered. "I'm fine honestly. But, I need to ask you something," you replied. "What?" he asked. "If I were to leave, and tell you not to come after me would you listen?" you questioned. His face dropped. He sat there silently for a while. "But why?" he croaked, a tear rolling down his cheek. "It's for your own good Daniel. All I can do is hurt you. I'm better off alone," you explained planting a kiss on his cheek before walking out the door. "Madeline, wait," Dan protested. You ignored him because you didn't want him to see you crying.

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