Chapter 13

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Baylee's POV

Vic rushed me up to the hospital once he realized what was happening. Once we arrived they rushed me up to labor and delivery. We've been here for a few hours now. It's almost 11am. They said I should be able to have my baby girl normal. Vic is currently trying to reach my brother Travis. Tony, Mike and Jaime are sitting in the room waiting for this baby to come. A really strong contraction hits me and I scream out. Everyone tops what they're doing to look at me. Once it pass I'm back to normal.

"It's ok guys. I'm seriously fine. Well not really because I'm in labor, but you know what I meant."

They all mutter some ok's. I look at Vic who is currently scrolling through Twitter.

"Sing to me Vic? It helps me relax and she loves your voice."

He smiles and walks over to my side.

"Of course. What song?" "Hold On Till May of course."

We both smile and he starts singing. The next few hours are filled with the boys taking turns singing to the baby. The boys eventually fall asleep and I don't blame them. It seems as if she's never coming. I get a few contractions a few really bad ones and a few I can stand. At about 3:00am I get this feeling. I wake up Vic and ask him to get the nurse. He says ok and heads out of the room. I wake the rest of the boys and they walk into the hallway once the nurse comes back. She check everything to make sure I'm ok. Vic comes and stands by my head while she checks my cervix.

"Oh my honey. You're ready to have this baby!"

She rushes out to grab the doctor. I look at Vic who just gives me this look. They come back a few seconds later and set everything up. Vic lets the guys know what's going on and they wait in the waiting room.

At exactly 3:33am I give birth to a beautiful baby girl. Her cries filling the room. Man does she have a set of lungs. Vic looks at me kissing my forehead.

"I'm so proud of you Baylee. You did wonderful."

I just smile while watching my baby girl. The nurses clean her and I up. They hand her to me while Vic goes to get the guys. They all come in the room demanding to see her. They all stop in their tracks once they see her. All of them tearing up. Vic breaks the silence.

"My best friend is a mom now."

I smile at him. Jaime just smiles.

"What are you going to name her?"

Mike asks. I think for a second. What should I name her. It then hits me as I'm looking at her.

"Kinley Rose Kaulitz. "

We all smile and watch her as she sleeps in my arms. My beautiful baby. I can't help but smile for her. Tears falling down my cheeks. Happy tears. She's finally here.

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