Chapter 13

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So. When I said everyone left I obviously didn't mean Ajax and Joey. In fact I had completely forgotten about them, I mean Joey; I don't think I could ever forget about Ajax.... Did I actually just say that? Forget what I said!! You are now thinking of puppy money baby!!!! Puppy monkey baby,Puppy monkey baby, Puppy monkey baby, Puppy monkey baby, Puppy monkey ba-
My thoughts were cut off by my other hand being handcuffed to the other side of the small couch leaving me immobile.
"What? This isn't fair! What if that lunatic comes back for round two! Or what happened to Chris's house happens here and I'm unable to escape and your held responsible for my death." I said trying to pull on the cuffs but proved not helpful.

"Somehow I feel as of nobody would miss you, let alone care." Joey laughed slightly. Stupid bitch witch didn't anyone ever tell her that beauty doesn't always cover up the slight green skin tone... I wonder what would happen if she got wet, would she melt??
She smirked at me and then left the room.

"What about you? Gonna throw some comment to me?" I snarled at Ajax unable to hide the hurt and raw emotion from her words, the fact that they were the exact words someone had once told me made it all much worse.

Moments passed as Ajax stood there staring at me with disappointment in the eyes that seemed to know the worlds secrets, his bluey green eyes twinkled with something I couldn't quite recognize. Finally he just shook his head and then walked away in silence. Closing my eyes I leaned back against the couch and exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding.

An hour and a half had passed. Savannah (Brandon's girlfriend)  found out about his death and also tried to attack me. Luckily Grimm was also there and held her back. That was 45 minutes ago. I've been counting.

"We've decided to go out to the movies." Ghost said popping the gum she was chewing obnoxiously.

"So?" I asked

"We can't leave you here since you'll probably burn the house down or some shit like that."

"Wait, two questions. One is why would you go to the movies when someone just died. Second is where am I going then if I can't stay here?" I asked sceptically.

"We're going to take everyone's mind off of things and your coming with us."

"Cool with me." I shrugged.

We all ended up watching teenage mutant ninja turtles: our of the shadows. It was a good movie. Though I've never seen the first one so I didn't get half of it. Plus I had to sit next to Ajax the whole time while he held my hand to make sure I didn't run anywhere yet make it look normal so nobody suspected anything.

I hadn't said a word the whole time.

Then we got home and Ajax dragged me to his room. His room where he had placed a twin sized bed in the corner, practicality threw me onto the bed and then hand cuffed my hands together behind the bed post.

"Kinky are we now?" I smirked.

But Ajax just left the room. 

Now what?

I hadn't had anything to eat all day and I seriously had to piss.

"Hello?!!" I yelled.


"Hello!!!!?!!!" I yelled louder. After a minute of yelling finally Ajax popped his head in through the door looking quite angry.

"What?" He growled.

"I need to pee."

"Then pee I'm not stopping you."

"You really want your room to smell like piss? I mean I totally will if you really want me to." 

Ajax rolled his eyes and I cuffed me. When I got inside the washroom I realized he was waiting right outside the door. Ew what a creep!! I smiled evilly and did my business... Really loudly, you know, just to make him uncomfortable. Serves him right to be a creep and wait for me.

When I was done I walked out to a very uncomfortable looking Ajax. He was about to cuff me again but instead I backed away.

"Can I go downstairs and get something to eat first?" My stomach grumbled like a tiny dinosaur for the effect as If saying 'your starving me!! Get me food!!'

Ajax stood there contemplating it but finally sighed running a hand down his Greek god face and agreeing. Wait!!! What the hell?! Greek god face?!! Ok fine it's true he has the face of a god.

I made myself a quick sandwich and sat in peace at the table and ate by myself. Some people were scattered around the house and others were in the living room behind me watching my every move. I ignored them and started to think of more important things.

What would happen if I faked my own death...again.
I mean I don't doubt that what everyone said is true; nobody would miss me. The world would be a better place without me....oh hell no!!!i did not survive hell for this bull crap!!!

Those bitches think they can break me?!!!

I had spent so much time just sitting there thinking that everyone had let their guard down and weren't watching me.

I burst into a fit of laughter throwing my plate across the room so it smashed against the wall.
"Oppa!!!!!" I yelled.

Soon enough everything I could get my hands on we're flying across the kitchen. Ajax and Grimm held my hands behind my back. I started to laugh again.

"Your all gonna die!! Slowly and painfully." Chris and dotty stood in horror as I looked at them with a chuckle before straightening my back and walking away as if nothing happened. I closed the doors behind me but they opened anyway.
I turned around only to get sprayed in the face multiple times. I looked up at Ajax already starting to feel drowsy.

"What you do that for?" I managed out as I tumbled to the floor with a thud.

Ahhhhhh!!! I know it's a short and boring chapter!!! Message me ideas if you have any to improve the story... But I do have a surprise and plot twist coming!!!

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