Chapter 11

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(Warning this chapter may go against religious beliefs read at your own risk.)

A white cloth was placed over my mouth and nose suffocating me as a firm hand wrapped itself around my small throat. I kicked out and did everything possible to get away but cuffs were placed over my wrists and they pushed me into the bed face down bent over my curses were muffles by the cloth and pillow to soon I was unconscious from whatever it was on the cloth.

"Ugh" I groaned rolling my head. My arms felt disconnected. I pried my eyes open and squinted through the darkness to see something, to see anything actually. It was pitch black. My arms were tied around something above my head and I couldn't separate my feet so I assume they are tied as well. I tried saying something but it was muffled like my groan. Gag. I moved and wriggled to get free but then I realized that what ever I was on was squeaky. Should I make lots of noise to alert help or to get my captor up here or should I stay silent and work on getting free.

I Arced my back so my neck was by my hands and pulled the button off of the back of my shirt. With lots of effort I chipped a piece off of the shell button and picked the lock of the cuffs then ripped them apart putting them on as bracelets. I untied the ropes on my feet but just as I was about to slip my feet out of the rope I herd footsteps near the door. I made the rope look still tied and placed my hands back above my head glad that I kept the cuffs on.

"Look who's awake." I could tell from the voice and how it sent tingles down my spine who it was.

"Ajax." I growled

"Annabeth." He chuckled darkly.

"That's not my name."

"Actually, it is. How's Caleb? Or mommy and daddy? I mean considering how dead you are you should know how they are."

I stayed silent confused.

"What do you think they would think of you? The disappointment, Scared pathetic bitch who instead of facing her problems and moves on, hides and ignores them. Come on Annabeth!! Show me how you hide."


"You don't even know what to say, your too busy fucking everything up to notice how much nobody wants you. If bet if you fell off a cliff and killed yourself nobody would care."


"Unwanted." Ajax spat.

That's when I broke.

I must've looked completely insane as I laughed hysterically. I'm guessing it wasn't the reaction Ajax wanted as he stared blankly at me. I laughed till there were tears in my eyes and then I stopped. Staring blankly back at him without blinking I sat up slowly bringing my free hands down and wiping the stray tears from my eyes. I pulled my feet apart and sat cross legged with my hands in my lap leaning against the bed frame.
I smiled innocently at Ajax.

"Hello Dominic, what are you doing here." My voice was deathly calm in the mute room.

Ajax took control of his emotions as his face went blank as well.

"Do you believe in God?" Ajax asked.


"Whys that?"

"It's bullshit?"


"It's a belief, it's one person that humanity made up to make everyone feel better about how everything's going to end up. There's no such thing as God." I explained

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