Chapter 9

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My new room was decorated with light blue and white walls with a big window along with white windows. The bed was queen sized with blue and white fluffy covers. There was an empty walk in closet and a attached bathroom and even a chest and the end of the bed.
I had a shower that seemed to be the first one id had in forever. Something I desperately needed, not that I stunk or anything but the relaxation that comes with it, like washing away my worries. I got out and Kristen put some pyjamas on the bed which I gladly changed into... Though they were pink and sparkly. I then fell onto the bed but never fell asleep. I guess I wasn't tired and couldn't sleep without Pablo... Who was I kidding? I was too busy finding ways to get further away without anyone noticing; and maybe I missed Ajax. But only a bit I swear!!!!!

In the morning Chris barged into my room.
"So I wanted to let you borrow some of my clothes but I think your too skinny and they'd just be baggy and fall off so I grabbed some of my sisters clothes, she moved out a while ago leaving behind her whole wardrobe. You guys are about the same size so here" and she rolled in a few suit cases.

I needed a new life and so I changed into a pair of mint green skinny jeans with a white sweatshirt and white shoes. I actually brushed my hair for once and washed all the remains of my makeup and redid it with a very natural look. I didn't take out any piercings though I did my best to his the tattoos. I looked in the body length mirror to find a girl who was not me. This girl was a complete stranger. I hated it. Though even if I hadn't gotten plastic surgery to change my features you still wouldn't be able to recognize me, yet another perk of wearing a lot of makeup.

I took a step back and looked at my face and frowned when I saw the broken and lost expression. The makeup had been yet again a perk of hiding my features and my expressions, or it took the attention away.
My eyes were a full blue, green and grey.   My body was skinny yet toned and curvy, there were slight scowl lines around my mouth but  you could believe they were from smiling. I sighed and tried to smile though it turned out more as if I was baring my teeth. I tried again and again until it was a slanted friendly smirk. I grabbed a small purse and shoved in my gun and the rest of the cash I had grabbed.

"So I figured since you can totally have those clothes, it's not like Tracy is gonna come back we don't have to go to the mall especially since dotty called in sick again today and so we'll have to fill in."  Chris explained busy putting pancakes on a plate as I walked in.
"Ok thanks!" I said in a cheery voice.
Chris looked up at me and the spatula dropped from her hand.
"Holy hucks! Your fucking hot!!" She yelled at me.

"Thanks? I think." I said confused. I usually only get that from stoned guys looking to get some.

"No like I mean cover of a magazine hot. Please tell me that your a super star model."

I blushed a little and shook my head.

"So Charlie. We are totally going to a club tonight. I need to show you off, and before you get the wrong idea I'm as straight as my teeth." She said smiling widely to show her perfectly straight teeth.

I chuckled and we ate pancakes with some small talk... She did most of the talking.

The day went by slowly and then the day turned to a week and soon enough I was blinding in. Chris was so nice sometimes it was actually hard to despise her. I met the full staff and became instant friends with all of them... Though the whole time I spent there I felt so...lonely and detached. I couldn't help but wonder if this would be what my life would be like if everything stayed normal, I shook that thought away; this right here, me being a goody goody is not normal, my normal is havoc and it would never change.   

I looked up from the coffee machine to the door once the bell rung signalling a new customer. There he was. After a week and 2 days he finally found me. Took him long enough. I was going to get the hell away from this the second I got the chance but decided to let him find me instead. Trust me, nobody would find  me if I didn't want them too.

Ajax stated in disbelief at my smirking face.


"Hey Charlie could you bring the coffee to table 4?" Dotty asked cutting Ajax off. I smiled my newly perfected smile at her and moved to do what she asked. When I turned he was gone.

"Charles!! Table 6 requested you!" Chris said from another booth giving me a wink. I looked over and sure enough at the back of the diner in a hidden booth say Ajax staring intently on me. I expected him to come barging in her and drag me out my my hair kicking and screaming but instead he just sat there with a thoughtful look on his face. I walked over in slow, measured strides till I was right I front of him.

Ajax POV

She left.

I knew scratch was pissed, sure doodling on the detention teacher then locking me in blaming me myself and I was a pretty douche move but I would have done the same (had I that creativity) but finally when I got home after busting down the door I found she was nowhere to be seen. Her things were still at home so I assumed she had just gone for a walk to cool off. Then she never came back and i got worried so I made the gang search for her. I found that her gun was missing but that was the only clue I had to even know that she had left. I searched town after town trying to find her. It would be a lot easier if she had a phone or a car of her own but nooooo of course not. Finally about 6 days in I made my way to a library to ask for some directions but instead I got Dash to hack into scratches account and found that the last time she used it was in a small town in the complete opposite direction I was going but that was the day after she disappeared. She could be anywhere! So I started over working as fast as I could since Joey had gotten back and was furious she couldn't see me. No that was a lie. I rushed to find scratch, I did not rush to get back to Joey. She's not even my girlfriend! We broke up a little less then a year ago but she just won't give up!

Three days later I stood in the entrance of a small diner gaping at the girl making coffee. I was just about to leave this town for the next but got hungry so I stopped. I never thought I'd see this and too be honest I didn't think I'd even see scratch again.
She wore pink jeans and a white shirt and a apron. Her blonde locks were tied back in a high ponytail neatly tamed. I wouldn't have recognized her had it not been for the taunting smirk she seemed to Always have and the corners of her tattoos peeking out on her exposed skin.
"Scra-" I started saying but was cut off by a short brunette with glasses and bouncy curls.
"Hey Charlie could you bring the coffee to table 4?"

Scratch have her a smile that seemed perfect but didn't quite suit her. No, I'd been he'd really smile before, she'd been talking to Danny and I don't think she even realized she was doing it but that was 100% a smile. It reached her eyes as deep dimples appeared and her whole body seemed to light up. When she smiled, everything smiled with her.
I quickly walked over to the back booth and waited for her, only requesting that she was my waiter.  Scratch walked slowly over in calculating steps. Once she was in front of me she said something that had shocked me....

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