Chapter 2

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I hated it.
You hate it.
We all hate it.
Even the teachers hate it.
So why do we have it?
I have no fucking clue.

I found out when I woke up that I would be attending parkington high. In 1 hour. That was a half hour ago. So far, I'd showered, gotten dressed in black worn out skinny jeans, a white scull tank top and my leather jacket. I applied thick makeup and pulled on my combat boots. To top the look off I pulled on some long necklaces and A Few bracelets and somehow a black fedora had made its way into my bag. I shrugged and slid it on. When I looked into the mirror my mirror my hair was still just a little damp but it would dry in 15 minutes tops, it was wavy and messy but that's how I liked it. I looked down at my figure. I was 5'4 platinum blond headed blue eyed girl with a pointy nose, black eyebrows that could make cara jealous. My lips were small but naturally pouted and dark pink. I was real skinny since I never really ate anything but I surprisingly had some serious curves. Thanks momma dearest. Dark tats showed through my white shirt and the scars along the side of my face. Yea if you think I have scars/cuts and bruises all over my body then you'd better believe I also ment my face.
I nodded to myself and went to have breakfast. It was mayhem!! Kids were running and teens were arguing. And food was being thrown. I quickly grabbed a piece of toast and sat outside on the porch. When people spilled out the door they noticed me sitting staring out at the road.
"C'mon scratch let's go," freckles said and when I raised an eyebrow wondering how he knew to call me scratch he said "Lizzy told us to all call you scratch."
I nodded and followed them into the rusty old truck.
When we reached school everyone went their separate ways.
"The office is just through the main doors" Lizzy said in a rush and made her way with freckles to Cruz and a bunch of their friends but I never payed much attention. I walked into the office and asked for my schedule. When I told her my name she looked up and asked the security guards at the doors to pat me down for weapons or drugs. Thank god I removed everything this morning thinking this might happen. When they found nothing the secretary handed me my schedule and a map of the school. When I turned I passed a group of girls in cheerleading uniforms snickering to themselves looking at me. When I passed I made extra sure to bump into them.
"You got a problem perra?" A darker Mexican girl snarled. Don't get me wrong she's beautiful but she'd be a whole lot more if that constipated look vanished from sight.
"Yup." I said and turned to leave but that perra placed a fake hand on me digging her fake nails into my skin. I growled and turned.
"I got a problem too. I don't want you around here so skat" she said and her little minions snickered.
"Sucks to suck," I said and pried her pathetic hand off of me and shoved her back. "Don't fucking touch me again puta, or you'll regret it." I saw some fear in her eyes before I turned around and walked away. Seriously? She just saw me being patted down by security and then she wanted to threaten me?? How stupid can a person get?
By the time I made it to first period everyone had looked at me like I was some demon spawn. And I also showed up late cause I'd refused to ask for help on finding the class and I got lost.

"Mr. Lines science?" I asked as the teacher opened the door.
"It's doctor lines and yes, what do you want?" He was an old grumpy looking man with greying  hair.
"Bethany scratch, the new student" I said. His eyes widened a bit and he let me in.
"Introduce yourself" he mumbled.

"My names scratch, I'm 17 and I just moved here from Toronto." I nodded and then made my way to the back of the class in the only empty seat. I didn't have any books or anything so I just sat there and pretended to listen.
The lunch bell had just rung as I walked out of the class and towards the front doors. I couldn't stand this place. It seemed as if every school I went to got worse and worse. But just as I passed some lockers there was a group of kids that caught my attention. I'd seen them earlier but hadn't put much thought to it. It was the crowd I'd hang out with, Only Lizzy, freckles and Cruz were in this group? Cruz caught me as this type of guy and maybe freckles but Lizzy? She seemed more of the girly girl. But that's not who caught my eye. Unlike everyone else who were all crumpled together he seemed to stand away from them. Looking directly at me. He was tall, like over 6 feet tall, his hair was a black Mohawk that stuck up in little spikes and was shaved at the sides with cool designs along the fuzz, his eyes were a vibrant greenish blue and he had that look to him that said 'I'll knock you dead in 0.01 seconds flat'. He wore black jeans and a black shirt with a black leather jacket. No, not goth. More of a too cool for school look. We made eye contact and it sent shivers down my spine. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as I passed him leaning against the lockers. And I know that's some stupid bullshit but it's true. It was like nothing else mattered. He watched my every move as I held my gaze on him. But I snapped my attention away from him as I realized I was staring and left the school.

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