Chapter 12

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I woke up slowly as doors were being slammed all around the house. Luckily Ajax was still asleep so I slid on my leggings again, ran a hand through my messy hair and then made my way downstairs. There in the living room stood a motherfucking angel. I swear if I wasn't routing for dick then I'd bang her. Hair: brownish gold, eyes too green to be hazel but too blue to be green, skin: tanned but clear, rosy cheeks and white teeth. Curvy yet skinny. She wore blue ripped skinny jeans, A turquoise ruffled tank top and a jean jacket with white vans.

"Who are you?" She spat at me and suddenly my girl crush had come to a complete crashing stop, got up and bolted the other way faster then the flash. Being one myself I could automatically tell just by the girls tone of voice she was a complete bitch. So this is joe? Jealously washed over me. How could I compete with this? Did I actually just think that??

Your insannnneeeeeeeee a voice in my head sang and laughed.

I skipped over to the two faced whore and gave her a big hug.

"The names scratch. You must be joe." My voice was high and friendly( just like a girly girl)

"Ohh..... Have you seen Ajax? I've been looking for him everywhere. Someone said he was sleeping off a hangover?"

"Yeah I was just with him. He said he'd be down in a bit to say hey but wanted to sleep a bit more. I actually just came to get him some Advil." I lied.

"Oh I'll get it for him." She said and went to get it out of the washroom upstairs. I smiled and took her suitcase to the kitchen where I dumped the leftovers from last night inside and then put it back. I grabbed someone's jacket from the hanger next to the door and then sprinted out of the house.... Only to find that it was in the middle of nowhere. I looked for a car and found that they had a underground car park. But I couldn't get inside without going inside the house.

"Scratch!!!!!!!!" Ajax's voice rang all the way outside. Shit! I turned and sprinted into the forest behind the house. Great, just like all the horror movies I run into the forest. Only in this story it's the killer running from the gang leader and his girlfriend?? Something didn't seem right about that.
I ran for what seemed like hours but we're probably only minutes until I found a big rock ledge that I hid behind.

Thundering footsteps were herd right after I hid and slowed down near me. I held my breath hoping to not be found, when suddenly a hand was placed over my Mouth and whoever it was wrapped their arms around my body so I couldn't get away. When they brought me up I realized that the one with the thundering footsteps was actually Joey. I snorted laughter at this information. She may have beauty but definitely did not have grace. When I looked at her she was panting out of breath. C'mon seriously?!!! It wasn't even a run it was more like a small jog. This was nothing!! I didn't even run far. Jeez if I had to choose who was on my team if a zombie apocalypse happened I would definitely choose her... For bait! Haha she couldn't run away from those savages if she really tried with her metal hooves. I will never apologize for being myself but that was... Pretty fucking awesome. My laughter soon died down and I realized that my captor who from the tingling where he touched I'm guessing is Ajax had uncovered my mouth. They took me back to the house mumbling incoherent words under his breath. Sure I'd just been captured and unable to escape and it may seem strange for me to stay smiling but at least now I can watch my plan unravel with a front row seat.

We got back to the house and Ajax handcuffed me to the couch while he paced I front of me.

He turned to look at me with a hard glare and was about to say something when the front door busted open.

"Ajax!!"  Dash and cruiser came piling in with two small girls, one a brunette and another dirty blonde a closer look and I found that they were Chris and dotty. What were they doing here? This was not part of the plan!
"Where's Brandon?!" Ajax yelled panicked by there state. Blood and dirt covered them all. Though the girls seemed untouched the boys looked to be barley standing.

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