Chapter 6

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After that little chat we had Ajax got a call and had to leave. Before he did he in cuffed me but then locked art the windows and doors. C'mon I'm not stupid, I wouldn't go running away when Shannon is coming tomorrow I mean I'd rather stay here then a mental hospital.

I rummaged through the mess that was his place, snickering to myself every now and then when I see the wreck I had caused.  I found the kitchen and started picking out ingredients and pots and pans. I've been fending for myself for the past 9 years. I've cooked for people so I wouldn't get a beating, I've cleaned and I've done mechanics pretty much everything. Well not EVERYTHING. anyways I was just putting the last ingredients in when the door opened and in came Ajax and I'm guessing it was Danny. They both came into the kitchen staring wide eyes and mouthed open.
"I'm starving!" Danny exclaimed hungrily.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up Danny- boy she probably poisoned it." Ajax grumbled looking disappointed.
I laughed and smiled down at Danny.

"Nah, I guarantee there's none in yours, I can't guarantee that there's none in this grumps." I said pointedly towards Ajax.
"What did I do?!" HE whined

"I don't know but you did something. Now who wants food?"

I know you must be thinking.
'Who is this girl and what did she do to that bitch scratch?!' Well to answer your question I kinda sorta lied, I'm not really heartless I pretend to be so nobody hurts me. But when it comes to little kids it's a whole different story, there my weakness; I guess all little kids remind me of Caleb and what he's missing but either way there is proof to show that I'm a lot nicer to kids.

We all ate at the island table with Danny asking me questions and I answered as truthfully as I could while Ajax just watched me with curiosity. When I finished Ajax told me that there was a small spare Room at the end of the hall. I went inside, stripped to just my underwear and tank top and hopped into the bed. I lay there for Afew hours unable to sleep until all the lights were out except mine. A knock came at my door.

"Yes" I called quietly and as the person opened the door I moved the covers over my bare legs and body so I wasn't so... Exposed. Ajax made me feel very self conscious and I hated it.
He walked in looking a little worried.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yea." I croaked.

"Couldn't sleep?"

I shook my head.

"Me neither." He said and sat down on the bed making it dip. Surprisingly I moved over and let him lay down next to me. We stared up at the ceiling in silence for a minute until Ajax said something.
"I brought you something." He said pulling out Pablo the shark from nowhere.  A small smile lit up my face as I grabbed the small stuffed animal and squeezed it to my chest. Then I realized I had overreacted in front of someone and played it off cool.
"Um, I mean thanks." I said nodding to Ajax. He smiled at me
"No way! Bethany scratch actually does say thank you." He gasped in a mocking way.
"Don't make me regret it."
I smiled a bit holding onto Pablo.

"Your suitcase is out in the living room you can go and get it tomorrow. " he sighed getting comfortable.



"Let's not make this the fault in our stars?" I groaned.

"I won't if you won't,"  ajax chuckled. "But just in case what would be our 'okay'?"

"You've seen the movie?" I asked with a small smirk.

"Lizzy made all of us watch it." He groaned.

"Well in that case I don't know what our word would be. Not that we'd have a special word."

"Mine?" Ajax suggested

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