"It's not that it's because I don't really wear skirts." I said.

"Well now must be a good time to start." said Lexy. I put on the skirt.

"People say you have great legs." Said Lexy Smiling

"No they don't." I said.

"They say it to me and we have the same body. Also that shirt is horrendous put this one on. And you're always wearing those silly converses. Put these on and you'll actually look like a girl." said Lexy. She gave me a grey t-shirt with Lisa Simpson on it with red pumps.

Riley's outfit<http://www.polyvore.com/instead_outfit/set?id=14589765>

"There's one problem, I can't walk in heels." I said worried.

"So what just act like you can." Lexy said. I know she was trying to help me but it hurts when she tries to be nice.

"You really need to get rid of your freshmen and sophomore. You're a junior now. Stop being such a loser. It's not fun having a little to not decent looking sister. Do you know how many times I had to protect you? Not many but still even though I laugh when people make fun of you doesn't mean I don't feel like a jerk when I do." said Lexy trying to be sympathetic.

It was getting late so I had to go eat my breakfast. I tried so hard not to fall down the stairs. My mother was down stairs making pancakes

"See now you don't look too shabby." said my mother flipping a pancake.

"Thanks for the compliment." I said sarcastically.

"I meant you look nice. I told you you'd look great in a skirt." Said my mother. Jake was there. He's my older brother.

"I never thought I've ever see Riley in a skirt. It must be the end of the world." Said Jake with his 4th pancake.

"Well I never thought you'd have a girlfriend or go to college either. How do like me now?" I snapped. He just glared at me and didn't say anything. Suddenly Lexy came down with her perfect looks and hair.

"Good morning everyone! So our birthday is in 2 weeks so I think we should do some shopping. It should be big! It should be flashy! It should be ridiculously smashing! As in I want it at Coco Key and we should have big golden thrones." Said Lexy. "And the thrones should have our names on them in diamonds. I want Lady Gaga, Miley Cyrus and Beyoncé." I rolled my eyes at my sister.

"It's not only your party."

"And what does little miss nobody want for her party?" Lexy said like a little kid.

"I don't want Miley Cyrus singing Party in the U.S.A. "

"Ugh, okay fine. We'll replace her."

"Can't we have an actual band?"

"New Boyz!"

"There will be no jerking at the party!" I yelled.

"Ok fine. You're such a bore. You get what you want but I'm getting what I want." She said rolling her eyes. She shouldn't be rolling her eyes because I'm older. Well by two minutes. I ate my breakfast and the bus pulled up. I got into the bus and like everyday Lexy went to the back with her popular friends. I sat in the front waiting for my best friend, Jillian. Soon enough Jillian walks in the bus. She's one of those girls who don't care what people think. She has her own style. She sat next to me wearing knee high converse with suspender shorts and a purple and black plaid shirt and a heart pendant. She looked over at me and then gave me the widest eyed look.

"Whoa!! You're wearing a skirt!" half-yelled Jillian.

"Yeah. I know. It's weird for me too." I replied.

"You should wear skirts more often. People say things." She said looking away.

"Like what?" I asked turning her around.

"Oh um they say you don't have any clothes and your poor. They also think you're adopted and just happen to look like Lexy. Oh yeah and they kinda think you're a lezy."

"Really? Way to make me feel better about myself" I said sadly looking out the window.

"Sorry but-"she stopped "Eww."

"What?" I asked.

"Ugh. Something wicked this way comes" she replied rolling her eyes. I looked and it was Austin McCormick. Jillian hates him but I'm overdramatically in love with him. He's smart, funny, and cute but he's unavailable. Melissa is with him. Yes the mean girl of J.K Polk High is with the sweetest guy ever. I've never actually talked to him unless you count the time he knocked into me in the hallway and apologized and I said it's okay.

"What do you see in him?" said Jillian disgusted.

"Why do you really hate him?" I asked. "There must be some reason"

"He's annoying, he's a jock and worst of all, he's with Melissa! Eww." she replied rolling her eyes. She has many strong feelings about him. Soon we were at the death chamber called high school. I get intensely food grades but still all my classes are boring.

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