Chapter XXIII

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Police Station/Grayson's POV

I dunno how many times I had to tell the police that we were all sleeping when it happened.
"Gray you need to calm down at least a little bit. You're not the only one pissed here, but they can't do much until they investigate."
Ethan said.
My brother's right tho. I just need to relax a little. Even tho I can't when my somewhat new borns are missing.! My future wife is crying her eyes out.! My fans are hurt about tour cancelling and the babies missing.!
How much more bad news can I take.?
I went outside to get some fresh air. I needed that.
I sat down on the floor and I felt someone touch my shoulder.
It was Kian.

She sat down next to me and I hugged her so tight that I didn't wanna let her go.

Jocelyn's POV

I was devastated.
My niece and nephew were missing, who could someone do this.?
I need someone to talk to.
I called Jazzlyn up, she was one of my closest friends.

Jocelyn: Jazzlyn hi, I need someone to talk to..

Jazzlyn: are you okaay.? What's wrong.?

Jocelyn: Th-the babies... are missing.!

Jazzlyn: I'm coming over, where are you.?

Jocelyn: police station.

You know, you can tell a lot of us are pissed and upset, but you can't feel the energy I feel.


Jazzlyn came by. I was so happy to see her.!
I explained to her what had happened and how we don't have any clue who it could be.
Grayson and I think it's Caylen, but that's still to be proven.
I don't know who'd do such a thing.?
I cried out my eyes in front of Jazzlyn, she tried to calm me down, but it didn't work.
At least she tried it's the thought that counts.

Ethan's POV

What was this feeling.?
Anger, sad, annoyed.?
My niece and nephew were kidnapped.
My brother and sister in law are a nervous wreck.
My girlfriend's pregnant and upset.
And my parents and sister are worried for all of us.
There's not one person who comes to mind. I wanted to cry, but look at us.?
Four of us crying like little babies.!
We had to stay strong.
I overheard Grayson telling Alex that he thinks Caylen is behind this.
I decided to give her a call. But right when I pulled my phone out Caylen and Nate arrived. We hadn't seen them in a while.
"Alex told us what happened and we came to see how you guys were and also Caylen wanted to clear out that she had no part of this whatsoever."
Nate said to me.
It made me think tho. If Caylen isn't our culprit then who is.?
If Caylen stays with the rest of us then there's no way it could be her cause who's gonna take care of the babies.?
I thought to myself.


We decided to spend the night at a hotel while the cops still do the investigation back at the house.
We all sat in the living room all quiet.
Jocelyn and I sat next to each other then Kian and Grayson, Mom and Dad, Nate and Caylen. And Alex and Jazzlyn.
Cam wasn't able to stay with us since she had to go back to college, but she told us to text her in case.
It felt awkward just being quiet, especially with everyone's negative energy flowing around made it worse.
I just couldn't stop asking myself who would do such a thing.?! And I think everyone was thinking the exact same thing.
We decided to sleep together in the living room of my parents hotel room in case if we get any calls.
We moved a few furnitures and put blankets and pillows on the floor.
We weren't comfortable. No one was. It'll have to do for now until they finish the investigation at home.
I couldn't fall asleep. I don't think none of us could.

Kian's POV

We all slept in Momma Dolan and Dad's hotel room in case we had some news.
Nobody was asleep.
We all laid there with our eyes wide open staring into either the ceiling or the wall.
I turned to face Grayson, he was staring up at the ceiling.
I could tell he was pissed as hell right now.
To be honest I wanted to cuddle with him, but I don't think he wants to.
He looked at me and pulled me close to him.
He was holding me tight, I tried not to cry again. But I let out a few tears. I couldn't help, but think of the day we first met, to the day we found out I was pregnant, to the day I gave birth and so on.
My heart ached as those thoughts came back to me.
What I didn't understand was why them.? Why my kids.?
What did I do to have my kids kidnapped from me.?
Nothing made sense at all.
I just wish I could of fallen asleep already. My body says sleep, but my eyes say wake.
"I'm sorry.."
I whispered into Grayson's ear as I had tears rolling down my face.
I didn't know what was wrong with me. I kept blaming myself for my kids being taken from me.
"It's not your fault. I promise I'll get them back."
Gray whispered back and kissed my forehead.
I hugged him tightly I just couldn't let go.
"Go to sleep bup, I'll stay up with everyone else."
Gray whispered to me.
"No, I can't."
I whispered back.
Gray started cooing and rocking me like if I was a baby.
Boy did it work tho, I fell right asleep. I dunno about everyone else tho.
When I woke up everyone was already up and just getting ready for the day.
I started doing the same.
After I showered and change and did everything I needed,
I went back to Momma Dolan and Dad's room and again everyone just sat down quietly.
I grabbed my phone that was on the coffee table and I checked to see if I had any missed called.
I called Marisa cause I needed her support. She was on her way.
I already had a ton of support, but I just needed to talk to someone.
I was hoping I had a call, that it would be the police telling me they found my babies.
I did, however, had a text from someone I never thought in my life would ever come across me.

"If you ever wanna see your babies ever again I suggest you give me Grayson and Ethan in return for your babies lives. -M"

I bursted out crying and showing everyone my phone.
We called the cops as soon as possible.
"No, why do they want you guys.?!"
I yelled through me tears.
That's when I got another text.

"I see the babies in your dreams; full of pain and screams. Bring Grayson to the boat house at 7; and Ethan to the dark alley at 11. If you fail to do this, they'll lose their lives and you'll cry. -M"

No...... no, no, no, no my babies...

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