Chapter XXII

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Tour Day

Jocelyn's baby pump started to show. She didn't want anyone not even her to one what she'd be having.

The babies were a bit big now. Not to much tho. Kian and the babies were healthy.

Momma Dolan, Dad and Cam were gonna be on tour with us.

Ethan, Grayson and Alex were pumped.

Kian's POV

We woke up early today.
7:30 a.m.
We had a lot to do, so it was go time.
We all got up, showered, got changed, ate, makeup, etc.
Thankfully Gray was by my side. As I went to go shower he watched the twins.
After I got completely ready, Gray and I started getting the twins ready.
They looked precious.!
By the time we were all done it was 10:49 a.m.
And we headed off.
Momma Dolan and Dad in one car.
Grayson, the twins and I in another.
Cam in her car.
And Ethan, Jocelyn and Alex in another.
There wasn't really traffic, and when we got to the venue we were greeted with open arms.


As the boys rehearsed, Jocelyn, Momma Dolan, Dad, Cam, the twins and I were back stage watching them.
Cam and I played with the twins as Jocelyn took pictures.


The show was about to start.
We were all nervous, but we knew it was gonna be lit.!
The boys come out and everyone's screaming.!
"Okaay guys we promised you a surprise, but we need you guys to stay quiet for us."
Ethan said and him and Gray walked towards me and got the babies.
Ethan was holding Grayson Jr. And Grayson was holding Ayden.
"Okaay remember guys it has to be quiet.!"
Alex reminds the fans, so the babies won't start crying.
Ethan and Grayson came out with the twins.
Said all the fans without scaring them.
"This is my little princess Ayden Bailey Dolan."
Grayson said.
"And this is his little prince Grayson Bailey Dolan Jr."
Said Ethan.
The fans loved them.!
"They're so cute.! Can we take pictures with them at the meet and greet.?"
A fan in the back asked.
"Thank you so much.! And of course.!!"
Gray responded.
As the boys came back with the twins I received a texted from Marisa.

Marisa: Kian, I'm here on the twins first show, the babies are precious.! I can't wait to see you afterwards.!

Kian: Marisa that's great.!! Thank you so much, and I'll be looking for you.!

Aww Marisa's here. It's been forever since I last saw her.
I cannot wait to catch up with her.


It was time for the meet and greets, it was amazing seeing the fans being happy.!
They took picture with their idols and the little ones.
They even took pictures with Jocelyn and I.!
I still had my eyes out for Marisa.
I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around it was Marisa.!
"Hi Kian.!"
She said hugging me.
"Marisa it's been forever.!"
I said hugging her back.
"We have so much to talk about.!"
I said as I pointed her to a seat, so she can sit.
As the meet and greets were still going, Marisa and I were able to talk about almost everything's that's happened.
"I'm glad you're okaay Ki. Especially the babies. Those are definitely angels.!"
She said holding my hand.
"Hey M have you already taken your picture with the boys.?"
I asked concerned.
"No to be honest, I couldn't get vip, I just snucked in to meet you."
She replied.
"Don't worry M, once the last fan is done you can take all the pictures you want.
"Thanks Ki.! It's so good to have you back.! I'm glad I met you."
Marisa said with her eyes watering up.
"Aww don't cry love, it's the least I can do."
Boy did we take pictures alright, and a ton of them.! It felt good to see one of my friends as a fan and still supporting us after everything.
I never thought my friends who loved the twins would even be my friends after this.
Some stayed, others didn't, I was just happy to know that there was people out there, friends out there, fans out there, supporters out there, who stayed by our side and instead of hating on me or even threatening me, they were happy for me.
Although you can't please everyone, it's the thought that counts the most.

Grayson's POV

First day of the tour, boy were Ethan and I nervous.
Everything went perfect tho. The fans loved the twins. And the twins didn't give us a hard time at all.
We were pretty exhausted after the tour, but it was worth it, meeting all the amazing fans, hugging them, making memories.
That's what counts.
I couldn't wait for the next tour.!
As we got our stuff ready we headed back to the cars.
We all headed to mom and dad's place, since it was big.
It was pretty late, Ethan, Alex and I had showered since we were sweating.
Everyone else was getting ready for bed. When I came back to my room I saw Cam helping Kian put the twins to sleep.
They haven't really given us much trouble yet.
After Cam left, Kian and I finally were somewhat alone.
We laid down next to each other, and I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close.
I turned her around, facing me.
I started kissing her neck, Kian let out small moans as she didn't wanna wake up the babies.


All I could remember was pounding the shit out of Kian and she digged her nails into my back leaving a ton of marks.
Kian would bite my lip hard everytime she wanted to moan, I bit her lips back and we both ended up with bloody lips.
After we were done having fun we fell asleep peacefully.

Next Morning

Kian screamed and I woke up fast.!
Apparently everyone in the house heard it because we all ran to where Kian was.
She was on the floor in the babies' room crying.
"Bup what's wrong.?"
I asked as we huddled around her.
"Th-the babies.! They're not there.! WHERE ARE MY BABIES.?! Please God.."
Kian screamed through her tears.
We ran to the babies' crib only to see it was empty.
My eyes started to get watery, my face red, I started clenching my fists and jaw.
I yelled punching the mirror in the babies room, breaking it and cutting my knuckles.
Ethan, Dad, and Alex started to get pissed as well. Cam, Mom, and Jocelyn tried to calm Kian as they were trying to hold their tears back.
I didn't care that my hand was bleeding, and I had glass stuck in my skin.
I was just pissed.
I ran outside as everyone came behind me.
"G-Grayson don't.!"
Kian said choking on her tears.
Seeing my future wife cry in pain because our kids weren't in their cribs made me wanna hunt those low lives down.
There was no way anything was gonna continue until my kids were back in my future wife's arms.
I called our manager.
"Listen I'm sorry for what I'm about to say, but the tour is cancelled until I find my kids.!"
I said and I hung up.
Ethan started to get a phone call and I knew it was the manager, but Ethan didn't bother to answer it as he was pissed as I was.
Alex started getting a call and I heard him answer. I didn't bother tho. They had the right to know I'm just not in the mood to talk.
"We all had barely woke up and Kian screamed, the babies weren't in the cribs and Grayson's pretty pissed while Kian's crying her eyes out. Look we can't continue the tour until those little angels appear."
Alex said as he hung up.
Why did I feel like I knew exactly where they were.?
Like I know who they're with.
Oh no.!

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