Chapter IV

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Kian's POV

The twins volunteered to take us to their apartment, so we can stay there for as long as we can.

"J are you sure about this?" I asked worriedly.

"Trust me babe, have you seen the way they've been looking at us?" Said Jocelyn with a smirk.

Keeping that in mind it does make me curious on how Ethan was staring at Jocelyn and how Grayson was staring at me. Maybe it was more than what I thought. Maybe Jocelyn was right. I was probably over thinking this. The twins were nice enough to let us sleep in their rooms, however it wasn't just us.

"Kian why don't you sleep with me and Jocelyn can sleep with Eth?" Grayson asked with an innocent look on his adorable face.

"Well, I dunno Gray-" I was suddenly interrupted by Jocelyn.

"That would be very nice of you boys, thank you for letting us stay here." Jocelyn grinned from ear to ear.

I knew exactly where J was going with this, I just thought it was a little to fast. We barely got to meet the twins in person now we're sleeping with them?! Can we look anymore like whores? We all went into the rooms we were staying in. Who knows how J and Eth are doing. Grayson was kind enough to help me unpack as he asked me questions to get to know me better.

"So Kian, tell me a little bit about yourself." Grayson said with this huge smile on his face.

"Well, my full name is Kian Adamari-Aileen Ayden, I was born on April 5th 1999, Jocelyn is my younger sister, I'm Cuban, and I have my histories of stuff." I started chuckling. "Is there anything else you wanna know Gray?" I asked as I looked into his beautiful eyes.

"Yes, there is one thing." Grayson started blushing.

"What's up?" I asked, concern.

"Do you have a boyfriend?" Grayson asked, blushing and looking away.

A smile appeared on my face, "Aww Gray!! No, I'm single as fuck!" I said smiling at his cuteness.


After Gray was kind enough to help me unpack we kinda went on an adventure.

"How would you like it if I showed you around L.A.? Just us two." Grayson asked with a serious, yet sexual expression.

"Just us huh? I'd love that Gray." I replied with a smile across my face.

To be continued...

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