Chapter XII

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Kian's POV

Jocelyn and I stayed at the apartment while the boys went out somewhere.
They didn't wanna tell us, so we didn't bother to keep asking.


The boys got home and when they walked in,

in came in Caylen.
Although we were friends she never really did like competition.
In this case, I was always her competition.
Grayson came up to me with my favorite flowers; royal blue roses.
"Here babe, I got these for you because you mean a lot to me, so I hope you like them."
Grayson started blushing.
"Aww baby, I love them.! Thanks love bug.!"
I kissed his cheek and hugged him tight staring into Caylen's soul and she stared into mine.
That is if she could even find my soul.
"Well I got my baby her favorite white daisies."
Ethan said pulling Jocelyn close.
"Aww Eth I love you.!"
Jocelyn squeezed him tight.
"I got her favorite flowers too.!"
Grayson argued back with Ethan.
"I'm Caylen.!"
Caylen said trying to break the "fight."
Jocelyn and I went with it.
"I'm Kian and this is Jocelyn."
I said and it became awkward silence.
"I hope you guys don't mind, but I'll be staying here at least for tonight."
Caylen tried to acted all innocent.
"Oh really.? You don't say, Grayson can I talk to you for a moment.? Alone."
My voice started to get harsh.
Ethan, Jocelyn, and Grayson knew where this was going.
"Sure babe."
Grayson didn't sound worried at all.


Meanwhile on the balcony.
"Gray I'm not sure about this."
I said.
"What do you mean babe.?"
Grayson was concerned about my feelings.
"I dunno Grayson. I'm not sure about Caylen staying, I just got a bad vibe out of all this."
I said, resting my head on his chest and he hugged me tight.
"Don't worry baby, I'm not gonna let anything happen to you."
Grayson kissed my head.

Jocelyn's POV

I wasn't so fond of Caylen, however there was this strange feeling going on where I shouldn't trust her.
I figured if I asked Ethan what was going on maybe I'd understand a little more of this situation.
"Eth can you carry me to our room.?"
I asked trying my best not to sound so suspicious.
"Anything for my baby."
Ethan said picking me up.
When I looked at Caylen one last time, it felt like I was doing a staring contest with the grim reaper.
Chills went down my back, but I had to be strong.
After we got to our room, I asked Ethan who she was and stuff.
I just knew that I had to be ready for whatever came our way.


Grayson's POV

I wasn't so sure what was all the tension about, however Kian's energy was enough to let me know.
Caylen didn't seem like she'd harm anyone, but I'm still cautious about Kian's protection.
I just found the girl of my dreams and I don't plan on losing her already.
Although Kian's worrying about her does make me think twice of what Ethan and I brought home.
I'm probably just over thinking this to much.
I hugged Kian tightly, so she knew that I wasn't letting her go anytime soon.

Ethan's POV

Kian seemed a bit over exaggerating about Caylen.
However I shouldn't be quick to judge others.
Kian might have a good reason why, but I don't see anything wrong with Caylen.
Jocelyn, however, was confused on why we brought home a stranger.
She did make a point, but she supported Gray and I, so the least I could do was be nice at least for a day.
Gray help me set up the couch for Caylen, while Jocelyn was making coffee for Kian, and well, Kian was sitting down staring into Caylen's soul.
Kian was a woman of many surprises, she could practically turn you into stone if she wanted to.
Luckily Jocelyn will never let that happen to me.
I love that girl to death.


Caylen laid down on the couch, Jocelyn and I across from her and Kian still sitting on the chair while Grayson tried to calm her nerves down.
It was all quiet. To quiet. However I felt a bit nervous as if someone was staring at me.
And when I looked up Caylen was staring at me seductively.
I was so uncomfortable, but I didn't wanna say anything.
I didn't want Jocelyn to feel uncomfortable and I sure as hell didn't want Kian to murder her.
I just decided to mind my own business.

Caylen's POV

Everyone went to sleep.
Luckily I take forever to sleep.
I heard a door open, lights turned on, and a door closed.
I got up quietly and I saw Ethan's door opened.
"He's up."
I whispered to myself.
I waited outside the door and when it opened I pushed Ethan back in and locked the door.
"Whoa Caylen what are you doing.?"
Ethan asked me all freaked out.
"Don't worry cutie."
I smirked, and started kissing him.
He tried to fight back, but I started grabbing his dick which seemed to calm him down.
I pulled down his pants and got on my knees and I started sucking his dick.
I was never the girl to suck dicks, but this was Ethan Dolan.!
Ethan moaned a little, but he tried to stay quiet.
We didn't wanna wake up Jocelyn.
Or did we.?
I wouldn't mind if she heard this.
"C-Caylen s-stop.."
Ethan was panting.
"I don't think so."
I said and started sucking him dry.
He picked me up and put me on the counter and took off my shorts and underwear.
I was so ready..


I screamed.
"Shush you'll wake up everyone."
I honestly didn't give a fuck who heard us.
I heard the door knob rattling and then knocking.
"Ethan.? Are you okaay.?"
Jocelyn asked.
Ethan whispered in my ear.
And right when he was about to answer her, I interrupted him.
"Yeah everything's fine Jocelyn, thanks for checking up on us.!"
I yelled and Ethan's face was priceless.!
"Ethan Grant Dolan open this door right now.!"
Jocelyn started yelling.
And that's when we heard Kian and Grayson.
"Love what's going on.?"
Said Kian in a concerned voice.
"Where's Ethan.?"
Asked Grayson.
I put on my shorts and gave Ethan my underwear.
I opened the door and walked out with a smile on my face.
Jocelyn's eyes were tearing up.
"He fucked the shit out of me."
I whispered.
And I went back to sleep leaving them there standing, gasping, and leaving one crying.
Sorry Jocelyn.
You know you hate me.

My Happily Ever AfterNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ