Chapter XXI

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Grayson's POV

"I have to go see her.!"
I said as I ran towards Kian with tears running down my cheek.!
"Grayson wait.!"
I heard someone say, but I had my girlfriend and kids on my mind.
I got to Kian's room, and I saw her laying there peacefully. Sleeping.
I got down on my knees next to her.
I said through my tears.
"Bup it's me.. Grayson.. please don't..."
I just couldn't finish my sentence without breaking down.
I remember how we prayed and Ethan said to stay strong.
I wiped my tears, and took a deep breath.
"Bup please wake up.! I can't do this without you.! I promised you I wasn't leaving no matter what, and I'm not letting you leave.!"
I started to feel tears down my cheek again. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small box.
I had the 24K diamond ring that Kian once saw at a jewelry store.
I placed the ring on her finger.
"Look bup, I've been saving this until the babies were born. Kian, will you marry me.?"
I said chuckling with tears running down my face.
"I know you would of said yes, I didn't even have to ask."
I heard a little muffled cries.
I looked up at the incubators.
And I knew exactly what made that noise.
My babies.
I walked over to see Ayden and Grayson Jr.
They looked healthy from the outside, but on the inside they were dying.
"My babies, look at you.! Oh Ayden you look just like your mom. And Jr. You are definitely a mini me."
I said as I started crying even harder.
I ran to Kian's side. I kissed her forehead.
"Kian.. bup please... I can't live without you.!!"
I choked through my tears.
"Re-remember when we first met.? We were at Starbucks and you had barely moved to L.A. Remember when we found out what we were having.? All the fun things we did."
I looked down at the floor crying like never before.
I whispered.
I heard a beautiful voice. Kian. Kian's awake.!
I yelled, crying and smiling as I hugged her.
"Bup you're okaay.!"
I said looking at her.
"Mhm, where's everyone.? And the babies.?"
She asked concerned.
And that's when we heard both of the babies heartbeat increase.
They started to breath fine once they heard Kian's voice.
I ran outside and called for the doctors. They came running.
"Okaay sir we're just gonna do a little check up on them, may you please step outside.?"
He asked me, I nodded and ran to the gang.
"They're gonna make it.! Kian and the babies are gonna make it.!!"
I yelled as everyone started to cry tears of joy from the news.
We hugged each other and thank God for his help.


The doctor came up to us.
"You guys sure have a strong daughter. She's one warrior, especially the twins. They made it. They are doing very well."
The doctor said and smiled at us.
"You guys can all go see them in room 512."
He said and we all ran to the room.
When we walked in, we saw Kian smiling and the twins on her chest.
We all gasped and started crying.
"Momma Dolan, Dad, Cam, Alex, Jocelyn and Ethan. I would like you all to meet Ayden Bailey Dolan on my left and Grayson Bailey Dolan Jr. On my right."
Kian said smiling and we started crying and jumping, hugging and basically going crazy.!
So all Kian needed was to hear my voice while the twins needed was to hear their momma's voice.

Kian's POV

I couldn't remember what happened.
I blacked out. All I heard was a muffled voice at first. I recognized it was Grayson's voice.
And somehow that woke me up.
I even heard my babies cry. That was the best feeling ever.


I was surrounded by beautiful people.
My boyfriend, Grayson. My sister, Jocelyn. My parents in law, Lisa and Sean. My sister in law, Cam. My brother in law, Ethan. And my friend/ uncle of the twins, Alex.
"Hey Jocelyn I know this isn't a good time, but have you been gaining weight.?"
I heard Grayson ask.
"She ain't gaining shit, she's pregnant.!"
I said with a smirk. Everyone looked at her in surprised.
"Oh my god.. I knew it.!"
Ethan said as he kissed her.
We all congratulated Jocelyn and this day went from bad back to good.
We all talked about what would happen now. Momma Dolan and Dad were playing with Grayson Jr. As Cam and Alex played with Ayden.
Grayson and I were just talking about how we should tell the fans the news.
While Ethan and Jocelyn of course were so happy, they almost ate each other out.
"Guys I have an idea.!"
I said and everyone smiled at me.
"Someone go get a nurse and everyone stand next to me, lay the babies on my chest and then the nurse takes the picture. Then from me."
I said which we did.
We took a group picture. And we took one on one and so forth.
Afterwards we each picked a picture that we were gonna post and we all typed the same thing.
"Welcome to the world Ayden Bailey Dolan and Grayson Bailey Dolan Jr."
Our phones blew up as everyone was crying, retweeting, liking, sharing, etc.
The fans congratulated all of us and we couldn't have asked for a better fan base.
I was so happy to have amazing people by my side.
It's only been like 5 minutes that we posted the pictures of the babies and everyone already loved them.
"So guys about going on tour and bringing the twins. Do we tell them or say we have a surprise.?"
I asked with a smirk. I was planning on bringing the babies to the tour. The only people who knew about it was Grayson, Ethan, Jocelyn, Alex, Momma Dolan, Dad, and Cam.
The twins decided to tweet it.

Grayson Dolan:
Ethan and I are gonna split a surprise for you guys.

Ethan Dolan:
It's to big, but you guys are gonna love it.

And now we couldn't wait for tour to start. Thanks to everyone that supported them.
They're gonna love the twins.

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