Chapter III

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I've never been so anxious to get off a plane.
I called the fam bam to let them know I have arrived.
Although being at the airport took forever, I tried not to let it get to me because I had the whole day to get settled in. I texted Jocelyn as I was walking out the airport. She was my ride, my best friend, my sister, and my roommate. By the time she picked me up I asked her if we can stop by Starbucks. When we got there, I noticed two boys that were my reason to come to L.A.

Ethan and Grayson Dolan.

My muses. My Romeos'. My everything. I whispered to Jocelyn that the twins were right there, and we started fangirling over them. Jocelyn and I always had a plan that if we ever came across the twins she would help me get with Gray as I would help her get with Eth. Jocelyn somehow had much courage than I did, so we went up to them.

"Hi, I'm Jocelyn, and this is my sister Kian," we both smiled.

"Hey, we're the Dol-" Ethan was trying to say, but Jocelyn interrupted him.

"Oh we know, we're big fans."
I looked at Jocelyn with a 'calm down' look.

"May we hang out with you guys?"
Jocelyn asks as Grayson and I stare at each other.

"Of course," Ethan said eagerly!

Jocelyn sat next to Ethan as I sat down next to Grayson. God knows what Jocelyn and Ethan were talking about.

"So what brings you here to L.A?" Grayson asked me.

"Well.. um.. I've always wanted to visit here and I decided that I wanted to live here after graduation." I replied.

"Nice, where do you guys plan on staying?" Ethan asked us as he stares at Jocelyn with a smile.

"We really didn't think this far ahead..." Jocelyn says as she looks at me for an answer.

"Oh no J, where are we gonna stay?" I asked worriedly.

Even tho we had a place to stay this was, however, my chance.

It's my first story guys and I know it's not good, but I'm trying my best to make it good.
I hope this gets better.!

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