Chapter XIV

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Kian's POV

A couple of months had passed by and so far Caylen hasn't done anything.
I guess I underestimated her.
However I'm still keeping my guard up.
It was so weird tho.
We went to the doctors once and he said I wasn't pregnant.
Yet I feel like I am, but I'm not I just gained a few pounds.
I am dying for some pancakes with a ton of fruits and a shit load of whip cream.
What a fat ass.
Now would you excuse me I'm going to devour my dog.

Grayson's POV

I tried so hard not to laugh.
Kian was so cute.!
She had no idea she was pregnant.! She honestly believes she gained weight.
Ethan, Jocelyn and I already know she is and we joke with her, but it's cute.
We're thinking about taking her to the doctors.
Even tho we already she's pregnant, I've been so happy.!
My girlfriend's pregnant.!
Kian's pregnant.!
I just wanted to go to the balcony and scream it to the whole world.!
But for now I need to make sure she doesn't fall or anything.

Jocelyn's POV

I think the best joke we've made so far is Kian being pregnant.
We're all happy for her, but she thinks she fat and we die of laughter everytime.!
She eats a lot.
What a fat ass, nah I'm playing I love her.
Since she doesn't think she's pregnant we're going back to the doctors.!!
Kian Adamari-Aileen Ayden you are in for a surprise.

Ethan's POV

I can't believe Kian's pregnant.!
I'm happy for her and Gray.
I'm gonna be an uncle.
I'm gonna be an uncle.!!!
To bad we can't say anything until the doctors confirm it.
Kian doesn't seem to be catching up on the pregnant jokes, but I can see why Grayson thinks it's cute when she's clueless, now I can't wait for Jocelyn to be pregnant and clueless.
Yeah that'll be cute.

Caylen's POV

Kian's pregnant.
Well then. That escalated quickly.
I can't say or do anything until the doctor confirms it because Kian's not really buying it.
Once when she finds out, I'll go along with it and then Grayson won't know what hit him.


At The Hospital

Kian's POV

Oh great back here again.
Well let's get this over with then.
"Kian Ayden, I supposedly have an appointment or at least my boyfriend says I do."
I said to the nurse not surprised at all.


"Okaay Ms. Ayden you know how this works, let's see what we've got here today."
Said the doctor as he smiles at Gray and Gray smiles back.


"Congratulations Ms. Ayden, you're pregnant.!"
Said the doctor.
Yells Grayson and I looked at him like if he's some kind of weirdo.
Let's be honest.
I'm not surprised. I'm not upset either.
Although I'm happy.!
I'm pregnant.!
I'm going to be a mom.!
Grayson's going to be a dad.!
Ethan's going to be an uncle.!
and Jocelyn's going to be an aunt.!
Could this day get any better.?
Since it was too early to find the sex of the baby we made an appointment to come again soon.
As I walked out, Ethan, Jocelyn, and Caylen got up.
"We're pregnant.!"
Grayson and I said.
"Well she's pregnant not me, I just helped her get pregnant."
Grayson said and we all busted out laughing.
We headed home and all Grayson could do was smile and rub my belly.
He was such a cutie.
"What should we name it.?"
Gray asked.
"Well I wanna have names ready just in case. Maybe for a boy we'll name him Ayden. Maybe. And for a girl we'll name her Zeriah. Maybe."
I wasn't sure yet and I know I'll most likely change it later on, but I wasn't thinking about names right now.
I'm not sure about this baby..
I'm just scared..
What if I lose the baby.?
What if Grayson leaves me.?
What if the baby was kidnapped.?
What if.?

My Happily Ever AfterDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora