Chapter XVIII

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Caylen's POV

The boys ran in and Ethan came back squirting Jocelyn. They ran back inside leaving Kian and I alone.
It would be ashame if something happened.
"Hey Kian."
I called and when she turned around I punched her.
I hit her pretty hard since she fell to the floor.
I started kicking her in her stomach.
She started bleeding, and she screamed so loud my ear drums almost bursted.
I left her alone when everyone came running outside to us.
Of course my baby, Nate, came to my detense.
Well, what can I say.?
Kian had it coming for a while now.

Nate's POV

We heard a girl screamed.
It sounded like Kian.
Grayson, Alex, and I ran outside with Ethan and Jocelyn staring at Kian who was on the floor.
I don't think Caylen would do such a thing, but of course since it was them two people will blame it on Caylen.
Of course I came to her defense, she's my girlfriend.
Why wouldn't I.?
Although I have to keep in mind this is my best friends girlfriend who's pregnant.
How could anyone do this to someone expecting a miracle.?
I feel bad honestly, but I mean it's like choosing either my girlfriend or my best friends girlfriend.

Alex's POV

I was shocked. Speechless. I couldn't move or say anything.
My best friends girlfriend on the floor. Bleeding. Crying. In pain. Why.?
Why would anyone ever do this to someone.?
How could someone do that.?

I feel bad for Gray.
Caylen shouldn't be out on the streets, she can do it again.


Meanwhile back at the hospital.

Jocelyn's POV

Seeing my sister in the hospital on the verge of losing her babies kills me.
I wanna kill Caylen.
I know I have to take care of my sister, but I'm not alone.
I have three beautiful people who plan on helping me.
One thing I can't get off my mind and I'm not sure if I should say it or not.
Is it the right time.?
How is everyone going to react.?
I have to wait until my sister gets out of the hospital.
I have to keep it a secret for a little while..

Hi bugs, I'm sorry this chapter's short, but next one will be better.!

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