Twenty Five

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          The sobbing turned to numbing, and by 9pm I was just staring blankly at the wall opposite my bed. My mind was blank, my heart ached but for the first time since September, I'd given up. Through everything I had been through, I'd tried my best to stay strong. Whether it was for my mom, or for Callum, or just to prove to myself that I could do it, I tried my best to stay strong. I didn't think a boy would be the one to break me. I'd never felt so numb.

My mom approached, sitting beside me on my bed. She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and I leant my head on hers. 

"Do you want to hear a story, sweetheart?" I nodded, moving my head so I leant it against the headrest. Words weren't even worth it anymore. "When I was your age, I met someone too. His name was Harry Daniels and my God, he was just out of this world. Obviously, I was already with your dad by your age, but there was always a part of me that liked Harry, more than I should." I turned my head to look at my mom. She noticed the look. "No, I didn't cheat on your dad. I would never have done that, even now. Harry was my best friend, growing up we were always close and then at sixteen, I wanted to be with him so much and sometimes I still wonder what would have been if I had left your dad to be with him." She stroked my hair gently, watching me. "I don't regret being with your father, and I definitely don't regret you or Cal — you're the best things to ever happen to me. I know what your dad did was wrong, but we only ever knew each other. We got together so young, there was never anybody else. I guess that's why he went off with her." 

"What happened to Harry?" My mom shrugged, looking between myself and the wall.

"I don't know. We went to different colleges and never spoke again. But my point is that Harry was the one who got away, he could have been great and I don't think he would have been like your dad, I don't think he'd ever leave his family, but obviously, I don't know. Your dad was always looking at other women buy I played it off. I've never seen Brodie look at anyone but you. Do you really want him to be the one to get away from you?" I looked at her, playing with my hands, ignoring the question. Of course I didn't want to be telling my future daughter the same story my mom was telling me about Brodie. I didn't know if I would spend the rest of my life with him but I knew I didn't want to lose the chance. "Do you really feel like Brodie would have cheated on you?" 

I shook my head. "I don't know, I like to think not. It hurts less." 

"He's told you he hasn't, sweetheart. Trust is the biggest thing in a relationship. I don't think I ever fully trusted your father and our relationship crumbled, even before he met Beth. If you don't trust him, then don't be with him. But you love him, so speak to him. You really need to live your life and a few heartbreaks here and there are completely normal. I'll always be here to pick up the pieces, Rhea. Don't get to my age and have regrets."  She kissed my forehead softly, before standing and leaving me with my own thoughts again.

          "So, your mom really had someone better than your dad?" Ella's mouth dropped open as I recalled the  story. Originally I wanted her opinion, but she was far more interested in the juicy gossip.

"I guess so, I wouldn't say better than my dad, but she liked him a lot. What do you think about the Brodie situation?" I was slumped on her window seat, leaning my head against the glass. The coolness was a relief to the banging headache I'd had since my mom had told me the story, two days ago. The pain and heartache as well as the overthinking was draining. All I really wanted to do was sleep, but even that came with difficulty. I rubbed my face with the back of my hand as I watched Ella sit on her bed, facing me, her legs swinging over the edge. She looked lost in thought.

"Well, you deserve to be happy, Rhea. I know I wasn't massively on board with the whole meeting someone online but I know how much you care about him. I love you, and he does too. Give him a chance, at least just speak to him." I nodded, taking her advice. I shoved a biscuit into my mouth.

"What about you? How did your speaking to Colton go the other day? I didn't get chance to ask. I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry!" She laughed, a genuine laugh. It was enough to put a smile on my face. "Well to begin with, Colton was completely against the idea. Of course he was; he cried, he wanted an abortion. I actually considered it as well. We'd decided this poor little baby would be better off not being born at all." I saw her heartbreak in her eyes. "We're so young, we're not ready for a baby. Colton's going off to college, and although he's decided he's going to stay in America, he's still going to be moving States. And I still have a year of school. We wouldn't have any money, we'd struggle. A lot happened, a lot was said but I think what we've decided to do is just see what happens. When we told our parents, they weren't happy. Of course they weren't, they said exactly everything that Colt and I had previously said, but they've been supportive. We love each other, and if we get to have a family, even if it is young, then it just means this is what's meant to be." She pulled her knees up to her chest, hugging them close. "It's real, you know? If it's meant to work out, it really will and we can figure it out as a family." I moved to sit beside her, my heart swelling with joy. 

"I'm so proud of you, and if that makes you happy, I'll support you every step of the way." She leant over and hugged me. 

"Thank you. Now, get out of my house and speak to Brodie. It's real for you, too." 

A/N: I'd just like to apologise for this chapter. It's really just a 'filler' chapter before things happen with Brodie. I hope you enjoyed learning a bit about Rhea's mother and Ella and Colton's plans! 

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