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I couldn't contain my relief when the bell rung, signifying me of my lunch break. I rubbed my eyes as I slumped myself into my seat alongside my friends.

"I have never seen someone look so defeated before day one was even over." My friend Avery smiled sympathetically. I returned it briefly before she resumed her conversation with Flo and Nora.

I grabbed my Tuna Pasta Salad from my bag and started poking it with a fork distractedly; whether or not I was going to eat it was a choice that I hadn't quite made. Nora glanced away from the other two girls momentarily to grab her drink when she noticed me pushing pasta around. She reached across the table and placed her hand on mine, giving me the look she'd managed to perfect over the years. It was a look which asked if you were okay, whilst reminding you that she was there to talk, and that your secrets would be safe with her, all in one quick glance. I felt the lump form in my throat and the tears threaten my eyes but nodded at her, a real smile forming on my lips, hoping that the look I returned said thank you.

I was barely listening to the conversation when I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw Ella take her place beside me, I automatically straightened up, that was what Ella did to me, she helped make me feel tall. As my best friend, she helped to make my problems disappear. Colton took the seat beside her, with the two followers Miles and Parker sitting in the remaining two seats. I watched as Colton kissed Ella on the cheek, her face turning a shade of red. He leant across and kissed me on the forehead too, and I rolled my eyes, laughing. He was an incredible human being, so kind and caring to everyone and considering Ella had a special place in his heart, I seemed to as well. I knew she would have informed him of my parents situation, so I knew his actions were supposed to be comforting.

I greeted to the two boys sat across from me. Miles shot me his massive grin; it was the grin that he had originally used to try and win me over. The heartbreaker smile had almost every girl falling at his feet, but I saw through it and he'd been my best friend ever since.

I trusted Miles with absolutely everything, but hadn't quite had the time to tell him about my parents divorce. I knew he'd be as devastated as I was, if not more, considering he practically lived with my family when his were off on their charitable adventures. But Parker? Parker was something a little bit different. He'd been asking me on dates for as long as I could remember, he was funny, and a little bit dorky, which people loved; but he wasn't right for me any more than I believed Miles was.

I listened to them talk between themselves before I decided I had anything even remotely interesting to say, Miles kept his eyes on me the whole time, trying to determine my mood. He had learnt to leave me be when I wasn't happy. A lot of people would say that was smart.

"So, how is being a senior?" I finally asked, cutting in to their conversation. I'd barely had the chance to finish the sentence before Parker's eyes widened.

"It's great! Less than a year and we're completely done with this place. It's going to be difficult but it's almost over, you know." He sighed in what I believed to be either relief, or satisfaction before leaning forward slightly, his chin resting on his knuckles. "So, Rhea. I've been thinking, now I'm a senior, this could work between us." He used his left hand to gesture between the two of us, my eyebrow raised in response, "I can take you for dinner, or a drive-in movie—." Colton closed his eyes briefly, a small smirk on his lips, whilst Miles pinched the bridge of his nose. It looked like he was holding back a laugh. He excused himself, going to get another drink, and I saw the smile break out as soon as he turned his back.

"Parker, sweetie, there never has been and there never will be an us." I sighed, the smile playing at my lips as I attempted to attack the situation gently. "I just don't like you like that, so it won't happen." I rolled my eyes and picked up my fork, putting a bit of pasta in my mouth. His face and shoulders dropped slightly, and I could see him racking his brain for any way to get me to agree. "I just can't lead you on like that." I did feel bad for him as he nodded in acceptance. A nicely done was whispered in my ear as Miles walked past, brushing his hand over my shoulder. "So what about you two? How are you finding your first day?"

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