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          The walk back to the parking lot was slow and quiet, Brodie's hand holding so tightly to mine, I thought he'd break it. But I knew the support was what he'd needed and I couldn't even begin to imagine the amount of pain he had felt and how hard sharing the story of his sister must've been. Even just hearing about it was enough to break my heart, although I didn't want to show him that, he didn't need someone to pity him, he just needed someone to be there. And I had to be that someone. I felt like it was what I was born to do. 

          I rested my head on his shoulder as we approached his car, my heart still thumping from the news as I climbed inside.

"I'm really sorry, you know? I know it's probably not what you want to hear but I mean... Having Callum six hours away is hard enough, I can't imagine him being gone for ever." I rested my hand on his thigh as he sat with both hands on the steering wheel, gripping it so tightly his knuckles were slowly turning white. "Brodie?" I glanced up at him as he placed his index finger up at me, indicating for me to give him a moment. I could only nod in reply as I noticed him taking deep breaths. I sat back against the seat, looking out in front of us, trying to wonder how it would feel to have parents that were so determined to have academically clever children. For the first time, I was glad my parents let us at least try whatever dreams we came up with. 

"Can you tell me something good, about you?" He asked between breaths, leaning his head on the steering wheel between his hands. I nodded again, thinking about what I could tell him. 

"When I was about seven, I went through this stage of really wanting to become a ballerina. Nothing in the world meant more to me and if anyone asked me what I'd be doing when I was twenty, I would say professional ballerina." I rolled my eyes to myself, watching his chest rise and fall. "My mom automatically enrolled me in this ballet studio class thing, and I thought it was a dream come true until I realised I had two left feet." He lifted his head slightly, his breathing returning to normal as he looked at me, an eyebrow raised in humour. "No kidding, they start you off pretty simple; but I couldn't get the hang of it, my mind could do it but my feet could not. I fell over about 3 times a week and within two months I'd given up, crying on my dads lap because I was never going to have my dream job. He told me to continue, and for a while I did, but it was never to last. All I ever wanted was to do ballet and I quickly realised I sucked. I'm a big dreamer apparently, but awfully clumsy. I wasn't made to do ballet and I'm reminded every year when Ella begs me to try out for cheerleading." He smiled at me, "I can't do anything in tryouts either, I just mess it up." I winked at him, as he sat up straight; a small laugh escaping his lips for the first time all evening. The sense of pride washed over me before I could stop it, as did my grin. 

"What's your dream now?" He asked, turning the key in the ignition, the car roaring to life. The first thing that popped into my head as we pulled out of the space shocked me, to make you smile. The soppiness just was not something I was used to, and I attempted to shove it into the back of my head. I shrugged, forcing the blush to go away before it reached my cheeks. 

"I'd like to own a book publishers, I guess." I smiled softly, truly thinking about it for the first time. "What's yours?" I watched him as he focused on the road in front, thinking about how much his recklessness had settled since we'd been spending time together. Every so often his eyes would flick over to mine; and every so often I'd pretend not to notice. I fiddled with the radio station, my favourite song coming on as I hummed along, awaiting his response. He also shrugged as we pulled up to the first set of traffic lights.

"In the long run, I don't know. Right now? I'd really like for you to be my girlfriend." The calmness in his voice seemed to shock not only myself, but him as well, as the light turned green and he once again continued the journey. He focused his eyes back onto the road, the silence growing as I mulled over what he had just said. Me, Rhea Jameson, the girlfriend of Brodie Maguire? My heart was in my throat, and my hands felt clammy as they sat linked together in my lap as I stared out the window. I could tell his calmness was beginning to falter and he was beginning to put on an act as his eyes darted across to me nervously every other second. I was lost in my own thoughts as I myself began to get nervous, was I ready for that kind of commitment? 

Five minutes had passed since he'd asked, and the words eventually left me without my even thinking, "I'd love to be your girlfriend."

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