"How do you think the meta does it to them?" Barry asked looking down at his phone.

"That's the 1/2 million dollar question." I replied as I walked past him, following Caitlin.

"Hey, if you guys figure it out, just give me a call, okay?" Barry asked but he seemed anxious to get out of the room

"So, is The Flash off to another rooftop rendezvous with Iris?" I asked catching onto why he was so excited to go.

"No." Barry said quickly, but then he realized I already knew he was lying. "Yeah, but she probably just wants to ask me I mean, you know, him about meta-human stuff for her blog."

I only nodded and then sat down in one of the computers to start working on our case.

"Diane, look I know I promised..."

"It, fine you can do what ever you want with your personal life." I said cutting him off, my eyes never leaving the files that Barry gave us. I had more important things to worry about than Iris finding out who The Flash is.

"Don't listen to her." I heard Caitlin counter from behind me. "You want some advice?"

"No matter what I say, I'm getting the advice, right?" Barry replied in an irritated tone.

"Don't get involved. As The Flash or yourself." Caitlin lectured, but I knew that Barry wouldn't listen, he never does. "You don't want to be the one to blame for their breakup."

I knew Barry left when the papers on the desk scattered on the floor. I sighed and picked them up, while Caitlin continued he work. A few minutes into our research we got a police alert, and Caitlin immediately got up to call Barry up. "Barry, are you there?"

"What?" His irritated voice came through the speaker, he was probably annoyed that his Iris Time got interrupted.

"The police got a ping from the tracer hidden in the stolen cash. SWAT team's closing in on the 1600 block of Pass." Caitlin quickly informed him. "Now stop ruining Iris' love life and go."


I was helping Caitlin come up with theories about our new meta-human, when Joe came into the building with a serious face. "Where's Dr. Wells?" He asked as he look around the room for him.

"He's in the treadmill room." Caitlin replied never looking up from her work. Joe only nodded as he made his way over to the room, a few minutes later Dr. Wells came into the Cortex.

"Ms. Crock may I have a word with you?" Wells asked and without waiting for a response wheeled himself away and back into the room he was previously in. Seeing that I had no other choice I followed, to find Joe and Dr. Wells waiting for me inside of the room. "Ms. Crock we have to talk about this hooded vigilante that now finds himself in our city."

"What exactly do you want to talk about I asked." There was an uncomfortable tension in the room, and I understood that what ever they wanted to talk about was serious.

"Barry told me that you used to work for this vigilante, so we want you to ask him to leave this city." Joe said in an authoritative tone.

"He actually goes by the Arrow." I corrected beginning to get annoyed with the way they were referring to Oliver. I didn't even know he was in the city but whatever he's doing her has to be important. "And I don't see why he would have to leave."

"The Vigilante is a danger, with inhumane tactics." Dr.Wells argued, and although I felt some anger starting to bubble up but I suppressed it.

"The Arrow is a hero, and he's changed his ways."

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