June 7th

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Today is Skolliosexual Pride day but since I couldn't find any information at all about Skolliosexuality I changed the day to Abrosexual/Abroromantic pride day. 

I explained abrosexuality in a previous chapter. But it is basically where a person's sexuality or romanticism is always changing. 

I feel like I identify with this better than Biromantic. Just because Some days I do just like my boy crushes, and some days I do just like my girl crushes, and some days I like both at the same time or neither of them. I switch between heteroromantic, homoromantic, aromantic, and biromantic regularly making me Abroromantic. 

So I guess today is my pride day. 

If you identify or know somebody who does identify as Skolliosexual please let me know about it in the comments! Thank you!

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