Chapter 17-Numb

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It's been a week since the whole 'prophecy' thing went down. All I have done is lay in bed and eat, not that I didn't do that before. Rose has tried to get me to go out and do something but I just have no energy to do so.

The voice-Lucifer-had been more talkative and won't shut up. He keeps saying that I'm going to set him free and he will kill everyone. Could that be more cliché?

I look at the black computer screen in front of me and sigh. If I had to pick one word for how I'm feeling it would be empty. I'm numb to the world and I really don't care.

There's so many things I could do but every time I try I get tired, physically and emotionally. It's unbearable.

Just as I'm about to reach my hand into another bag of chips there's a knock on my door. Rose is at training and plus why would she knock? No one will even think about coming to my room because of the little Destiny incident so who the hell is it?

"Hello?" I croak out. I haven't spoken for a week either.  My throat feels scratchy and dry. I quickly grab my cup of vodka and drink it all.

"Kat, it's me Axel. Can I come in?" The voice said.

I nod my head then realize he can't see me. Stupid Kat.

I clear my throat."Uh yeah sure." I said a bit clearer.

The door slowly opens and Axel walks in. He smiles a sad smile at me in which I frown. Pity, I fucking knew it.

He walks closer and sit down on my bed right beside my laptop. I raise an eyebrow not wanting to speak.

Axel seems to understand. "I uh came to check how you're doing. You haven't left your room for a week Kat." He said quietly.

I snort. No shit Sherlock.

Axel looks away for a moment then sighs as his attention is back on me. "Kat, talk to me please." He begs, his eyes pleading me to say at least one syllable.

I open my mouth to speak but no words come out. Damnit.

I close my eyes and take a breathe. It's a lot easier to talk to someone when you can't see them.

"Hey." I grimace at the sound of my voice. It sounded weak, vulnerable and pathetic.

Axel looks at me with sadness. "Kat, how are you?"

"I'm okay."

Axel shakes his head not believing me. "No, no you're not. Talk to me and let me help you."

I look at him in annoyance. "Help me? There's no way you can help me Axel! I'm a lost cause and it only got worse." I laugh dryly.

Help. Help isn't an option anymore. I'm going to sit here and eat my chips and drink my vodka, which I stole. Oops.

Axel pauses for a moment and looks me dead in the eye. His gaze is so intense that it causes a shiver to go flow me. His bright blue eyes staring into my greyish ones seems to make everything stop.

This is why we don't make eye contact! It's like they're capturing our soul, it's creepy. Look away Kat.

I tear my eyes away from Axel's and gaze down to my bottle of vodka. I go to grab it when it is taken out of my. I gasp in shock. That was mine!

I looked at Axel wide eyed.  How dare he! That was mine! It numbs me, a nice feeling in my situation.

Axel took a look at the more than half empty bottle of vodka and narrowed his eyes at me. I narrowed my eyes back at him not backing down.

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