Chapter 15-Answers

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I run to my room and grab a backpack that's already packed in case of emergencies. I have all the basic necessities, a brush, clothes, deodorant, a different phone (so they can't track me) and some other shit.

I'm not leaving, I'm not that stupid but I am about to do something that will effect the school so if something bad happens, I'm packed and ready to ditch.

I fling my bag over my shoulder and head out to where everyone is. I might regret what I'm about to do later and how rude I was to Head Dude but right now he deserve all the hell I'm about to rain down on him.

When I get there everyone looks at me in fear. They slowly started to part a path and Head Dude went down the path straight to me in confident strides. "Miss.Kat, don't do this. Think before you act." He said sternly.

I put my hand to my chin in a thinking manner mocking him. "I thought about it and I'll give you one more chance to tell me. One."

Head Dude sighed in frustration. "I'm not allowed to tell you yet Miss.Kat, please hold off on what you're about to do. Don't let Destiny out, control your anger. I know you can." He pleaded.

No I can't. This is his fault, not mine.

I dramatically sigh. "So you're not going to tell me?" he shook his head. "Then this is going to really suck for you because someone wants to come out and play." I sang smirking.

The All Mighty Destiny's Pov

I need a theme song, whenever I come out a song plays. Hmm I'll have to ask Kat later for one but right now there's some destruction that needs to be made. Think of it like a level 10 tantrum.

Let's do this.

I look at over at Rose and Axel and smirked.

I opened my hand to try something. This only happened once, maybe it'll work now.

I closed my eyes and felt warmth sore through me and into my hand. I opened my eyes to find a big ball of fire in it. So it did work. Awesome.

"Hey guy! Guess what I can do!" I opened my hand and showed them the fire. "Destiny's back and she's about destroy some shit so hold on tight or you might get burnt." I started to laugh uncontrollably at their scared faces. Weaklings.

I turned to Head Dude and smiled. "This is all on you." And with that I started to hurt anyone who came at me.

Third person Pov

Destiny looked as if she didn't have a care in the world hurting and letting all of her and Kat's anger out.

Roger knew it was his fault. He also knew his promise, to protect Kat with his life. If she found out who the voice was, she'd be in more danger than she is now.

Roger tried to get the academy students to stop fighting her but they wouldn't stop. Fighting Destiny is useless, they'll only get hurt.

Axel looked at the scene in shock. Kat, a girl who is a bitch but is changing his mind with their every encounter. But this wasn't her, this was Destiny the one his wolf couldn't get enough of.

As soon as Kat came to his school all his wolf has wanted to do was be by here and never let her leave. He wanted to protect her from any harm even if that meant him being hurt in the process.

With his wolf feeling that way, the feeling slowly transferred into Axel himself. He knew Kat was special and he couldn't ignore the pull he had to her or the electric sparks he gets whenever they touch.

"Axel we need to do something! She has anger problems, she doesn't mean what she's doing. She's hurt and no one will give her answers. We have to help her!" Rose yelled over the noise. Her eyes blurred with tears at her friend.

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