Chapter 5- The Witch

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Can we go?

Can we go hurt someone?

Can we have fun and do something?

Can we go see Mr.Hottie?


Hours. Hours that she's been like this.

For awhile we were watching tv and eating, the usual but once I stopped, she got bored. I can't watch tv when the incident with Axel keeps playing in my head. I don't even know where he is or what happened, I just walked off after I said that. So now I sit in the dark like the bitch I am.

Grow up! When did you start to care?

I care because his family cares about him! Just because ours doesn't we don't have to be jealous and rude that his does. So why don't you grow up okay?

Silence. Finally silence. She didn't speak after my comment because she knows I'm right.

I might be a cold hearted person but I have feelings, not that I show them though. It's a weakness to show your feelings, I learnt that the hard way.
Showing your feelings get you hurt in so many ways.

Fuck it all! Fuck it all! Don't give a shit anymore!

My phone rang breaking me out of my thoughts. I love my ringtone especially when your walking down the hall and people hear it.

I took a peek at the caller ID to see its Head Dude. I don't have many people in my contacts because well, I don't have any friends. Head Dude only has my number because I go down there so often that it would be stupid to call over head, unless I don't answer the phone.

Sighing I answered.

"Little Molly's cleaning service, how may I help you?" I asked in a British accent.

"Hello Miss.Kat, I would like your help on something."

Damnit. "And what might that be?"

"Help one of the new students here, she's a very shy witch."

I plopped down in my bed with a groan. "Do you not remember what happened the last time I was with a new student? It happened a couple of hours ago, are you really that old?"

I heard him lightly chuckle, "Miss.Kat I'm only 34 and yes I do remember what happened with Mr.Night but this is a female. She will be your roommate since we are running out of rooms, is that alright?"

Stifling a growl I said yes. I don't want a roommate, that means talking to people. I don't like that.

"Wonderful! She should be around the academy somewhere so you are welcomed to go find her and help her unpack her stuff. Goodbye Miss.Kat."

"Goodbye Head Dude."

I grabbed my pillow and screamed. Gosh I hate Karma, fucking bitch.

I slowly rolled out of bed flopping ungracefully onto the floor. My blankets fell onto my head messing up my already messy hair.

Lifting my head I blew the hair out of my face and got myself presentable.

I started to walk to the cafeteria because it's one of the most popular places so I suspect she should be here. I glanced around for anyone I don't know and came up empty.

I guess I was wrong.

I decided to just walk around the halls hoping that maybe I'll bump into her. I was wrong yet again, just my luck.

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