Chapter 6- Teacher

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"This is your side of the room and bed. The bathroom is over there and be sure to wake up early because you'll have to start training tomorrow." I told Rose as we got into our room.

It feels weird saying 'our room' since I've never shared a room with anyone before.

Rose nodded putting her bags on her bed. I went to mine and flopped down face first. It's so fluffy I could just die here and I wouldn't mind at all.

"So um, is he your ex boyfriend?" I heard her ask. Wait what? Did I hear that right?

I lifted my head slightly to look at her in confusion. "Come again?"

Rose suddenly looked nervous, "w-well I just assumed by the way you guys acted in the hallway, I didn't mean to snoop in you business. S-sorry..." She stammered.

I quickly sat up and looked at her. "No, you didn't offend me. He's not my boyfriend or even a friend. We just met yesterday and got off on the wrong foot."

She lightly smiled, "okay then. Thank you."

I tilted my head, "for what?"

She looked at me for a moment. "For being nice to me. I'm very good at seeing how people are. You, you act mean to others but inside you are the nicest person. You've been hurt too much so you've put a shield on yourself hoping you won't get hurt but in reality the shield hurts others. Sadly you don't see that."

No words came out of my mouth. I'm speechless.  I don't know whether to be angry or confused. Did she read my mind or something? Although as much as I really hate to admit it, she's right.

I shrug my shoulders, "yeah you're right but you know what? Shit happens and it changes a person but life goes on and you get over it. That's the way I see it." I said leaning back on my bed, arms folded behind my head.

She just nodded and continued to put her luggage away.

I have a feeling I might finally have a friend.

No. No friends, they will stab you in the back Kat. Don't you dare even think about trusting people because looks can be deceiving.

You might be right but after 17 years of living with no friends, I want a friend and I think I deserve that much. The choice is not up to you.

She huffed, fine if you get hurt its not my problem, so don't come crying to me.

I won't, I have faith in Rose.


"Come on, fight him! Crush him! Don't let them kill you! Urgh!" I mumbled as I shoved more popcorn in my mouth.

I was currently watching Divergent because I have nothing better to do on a Saturday. Trice is about to die because of stupid Eric and she won't fight back. So maybe they have guns and maybe her hands are tied but she still has legs, what's the problem here?

As I was getting really into the movie Rose walks in sweaty and tired. Ah she had training today, that sucks.

She flops down on her bed and groans.

Throwing more popcorn in my mouth I spoke, "you look like shit."

"I feel like it." She mumbled into her pillow. I laughed and continued to watch my movie.

A couple more minutes and my movie will be done, yay! Next up is the second and then I can go to the movie theatre to watch the third.

Just as that wonderful thought pops into my head stupid Head Dude calls me.

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