Chapter 8-Annoying Chick

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Running to the gym we realized everyone beat us there. Damnit now I won't hear the end of this from Rose.

"You're late you know." A annoying squeaky voice commented.

I scoffed, "no shit Sherlock. You're very good at pointing out the obvious."

Rose elbowed be in the ribs silently telling me to shut up. What? The chick started it, not me. I'll just make her pay during training. A evil smirk crept up my face and some people look worried. This should be fun.

Clearing my throat I spoke."As you know yesterday was a nice little warm up. Raise your hand if you're sore today." Everyone raised their hands or at least tried to. "Good, cause today we will start fighting!" Some cheered while others groaned. Who doesn't like to fight?

"But, you must fight as a human first. No super speed, no super strength and definitely no powers and to make sure those wont be a problem, I need you all to drink this. Heads up, it taste like shit." I  said taking a drink for myself. They all came up, grabbed a glass and drank it. A few gags later everyone was okay.

"I have made partners for you all, different species and some are boys vs girls. This will change every class unless I say other wise, now go get your partners and start fighting." I ordered.

I made a quick change to one since annoying chick's partner wasn't here that I made myself her partner. Aren't I just nice.

Sure, you're a freaking angel.

Sarcasm doesn't suit you well.

Annoying chick walked up to see who her partner and groaned. She faced me with an annoyed expression, actually I think that's her only expression.

I smiled at her and got in a fighting position while she did the same.

She looked a little scared but covered it up with a smirk. "Are you ready to lose?"

I chuckled, "only if you are." Just as I said that I kicked her in the gut.

She shrieked and tumbled backwards. "Don't get distracted. I already sized you up and I was ready to fight. Now get up."

She mumbled something under her breath and got up to charge at me. I yawned and moved an inch out of her way. She fell down like a ton of bricks.

I looked up to see everyone watching us. Rose was giggling like crazy and Axel, well he had no expression what so ever. Shocker.

While I was in thought annoying chick kicked my legs out from under me. I hit the ground with a thud. Shit that hurt. I heard 'oohs ' and 'aahs.'

She leaned over me and smirked. "I think you have to pay more attention."

I laughed but it held no emotion. Fear flashed in her eyes but it went away as fast as it came. Now it's time to play.

Can I handle her?

No because you won't let me back in control after and anyways she's a weakling who got a lucky shot. A lucky shit she'll pay for.

Fine but kick her annoying ass.

I plan to, I thought.

While she was busy taking in the praises I kicked her legs from under her and pinned her down.

I leaned in to whisper in her ear, "having fun yet?"

"Get off me you bitch!" She grumbled.

I smacked her head, "weren't you taught any manners? Say the magic word." I sang getting a laugh out of everyone (even Axel).

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