Chapter 3- Don't Touch My Music!

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After a few minutes I look back to see that the school and hunters are nowhere in sight. Another day I survived, hurray!

"Where do you live?" I ask still looking at the road.

He turned to me confused, "huh?"

Huffing I face him, "are you deaf? Where do you live, you know that place where there's walls, a floor-"

He cuts me off. "I know what a house is but why do you want to know?"

"Your clothes and other stuff dimwad, they're at your house." This guy isn't too bright.

"Oh, it's the next street over." He mumbled.

Turning the street I parked a few feet away from his house. Parking the car I turn to him. "Get up there fast and don't talk to no one ok? If you do they'll be more upset that your leaving and the hunters will kill them." Unlocking the doors I pushed him out before he could question my command.

Sighing I laid my head back on the head rest. This has been a long day and it's not even over yet. This sucks, I gotta bring around a mutt and more in likely he won't leave me alone after we get to the school, the rest of the ones I got didn't.

He's hot!

Wait what?

You heard me he's hot, do you not have eyes?

If I didn't have eyes than how could you tell he's hot?

Come on! He's like a big hunk of meat that I wouldn't mind taking a bite out of.

Ew dude that's gross and leave your weird fantasies to yourself please.

Fine whatever, I'll just go.

"Annoying little brat." I mumble.

I mean Axel's not hot, he's good looking I'm not gonna lie but he's not hot. His blue eyes, brown hair is just wow., no it's not Kat. Stupid hormones.

I look up to hear yelling. What the hell?

Axel's running out of his house while his moms crying and dad is yelling at him to come back. I look closer to see a little girl hanging on to her moms legs crying as well.

Guilt washes over me. I feel like shit now, but it's not my fault, he would have been killed!

Don't feel sorry, feelings are for the weak. His parents will die at one point by the hunters so who cares.

I care! There's a little girl there and her big brother is leaving her!

Well last time I check our parents and siblings didn't care so nether should his!

I went silent, she passed the line. All guilt is gone, anger has taken over and I'm fucking pissed off.

"I'm sorry mom and dad. I love you Rosie, so very much." Axel yells as he jumps into the car.

Putting it into drive I sped off but not before seeing his family's faces, pain written all over them.

It's been an hour and no one has spoke, it's pretty awkward to be honest. Luckily my anger went down though.

I glanced over at Axel to see him looking out the window lost in thought.

I cleared my throat, "so um, no K?"

He slowly turns to me, "what?"

"Your last name, Night, no K in it?"

"No K." He snapped. Well it must be his time of month.

"Okay then..." That was the end of that conversation I guess. At least I tried.

This is officially the most boring thing I've ever done and I have watched an old lady hunter run at me trying to kill me. She was slow, so slow. In the end, I'm alive she's dead. But this is by far more boring.

Music, we need music!

Reaching over I quickly plug in my phone and starting the music.

Now don't get me wrong I like all kinds of music (not country, that just sucks) but my favourite would have to be in the punk/rock genre. I love it!

Phoenix by Fall out boy was the first song up. Time for karaoke!

Put on your war paint

You are a brick tied to that's dragging me down

Strike a match and I'll burn you to the ground

We are the jack-o-lanterns in July

Setting fire to the sky

Here, here comes this rising tide so come on

Put on your war paint-

Suddenly the music stopped. What? Nobody stops my music, nobody.

I slowly turned to Axel glaring at him. "Why did you turn off my music? Pick your words wisely because they could be your last." I growl.

He glared right back at me. Guys got a back bone I guess but nows not the time.

"Your singing sucks and it hurts my ears. Good music choice but seriously I'm bleeding from the ears." He did not just say that about my singing?! I'm a wonderful singer anyone who says different, well they can't speak anymore.

I pulled the car over and got nice and close to him.

His breathe smells like mint. Yummy!

Shut up!

"Don't. Touch. My. Music." He hesitatingly but slowly nodded pushing me off him.

It's all good now! "Got a song of your choice?" I ask. 

He thought for a moment before picking a song (a good one thank God) and that's how the rest of the ride went, me singing and him constantly telling me to shut up. I hate to admit it felt nice, really nice.


Sorry it's short but I got it done! I was going to update it yesterday but I fell asleep. Oh and for Axel's character imagine he has blue eyes. ( I couldn't think of a guy character so I just found this guy XD)

Thank you for reading! See you guys in the next update!


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