Chapter 2- Psycho Bitch

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I start up the car getting ready to leave. Right now I could be in my room having a tv marathon but no Kat has to go get a dude. It's always Kat's job, assholes.

A couple hours later I pulled up to his high school. Well here goes nothing.

The high school look disgusting on the outside but inside its just wow. I wander around until I finally found the office. When Head Dude got info on Axel he just happened to not give me a picture or description but yet give me stupid facts.

As I walked in the secretary looked up at me and smiled. "Hello! What can I do for you sweetie?" Wow isn't she just chirpy.

I faked a smile at her, "I'm here looking for a friend, Axel Night. Do you know where he might be?" If I was an actress I'd get an award.

She started clapping cheerfully, "Oh Axel, why he's such a nice boy! I'll direct you to his class honey."

I guess that went well, odd but well. I looked over at the secretary, she seems like she's in her early 20's, petite and seems to be always happy. I feel bad for her, people like her are the ones to always get pushed around.

"Hey um I never got your name Miss." She paused and turned to look at me confused.

"You want to know my name?" I nod. "Oh well it's Sophia, not many people care so thank you. What might your name be?"

I smiled, for real. "My name is Kat, nice to meet you Sophia."

Out of nowhere she hugs me, like a bear hug. For such a small woman she sure is strong. I awkwardly pat her back, no ones hugs me and the ones who do are usually trying to kill me.

She puts me down and pats me on the head like a dog, "now off to go see Mr. Night!"

I stood there in shock, did she just? What?

A voice snapped me out of my daze, "are you coming or not Kat!"

"uh, um yeah I'm coming." I mumbled.

Stop acting weak!

What? I'm not acting weak

Yes you are! You were nice to that chick! Cold Kat, be cold! A cold bitch!

Gosh sometimes I hate this voice I have in my head. I'm not crazy, believe me. It's kinda like werewolf's since the voice in their head is their wolf but mine is a bitch, a evil version of my self.

Sometimes she comes in handy when a hunter tries to kill me but other than that she is annoying as hell.

You know I can hear you right?

Yes, now bye.

Good news I can block her off, bad news it doesn't always work.


Oh we're at his class, wow did I ever space out. "Thank you Sophia."

She just waved me off, "I'm always here to help honey. Now I got to go back to the office but you can visit anytime you like okay?" I nod and watch as she walks away.

I looked at the time, I left at 8:00 now it's 11:00, I need to hurry my ass up. So instead of being the nice girl I was, I'm going to be a bitch because it's a lot more fun.

With that thought in mind I smirk as I burst in the door. What, a girls gotta make her presence heard.

Everyone looked at me in shock. I looked at the teacher and man did she look pissed. So I wave at her smiling.

She starts to walk over to me like I'm about to get in trouble. This is just too funny.

Putting a hand on her hip she sharply spoke, "what gives you the right to burst right into my class room?" When I said nothing she got annoyed, "I expect an answer."

"Last time I checked I don't need to give you an answer. I have something to do and your in the way so if you'd just back off it'll be a lot easier. "

No one spoke. I made them speechless, I guess this teacher is the one that no one back talks to.

I take a look at the class realizing how cliche it is. The loners, nerds, populars and jocks.

Someone grabs my arms pulling me out of the class. "You young lady need to leave." Who the hell does this chick think she is? My mom? Hell no!

"Let go of my arm before I break yours." I growled glaring at her.

Fear flashes her eyes before it's gone, "leave or I'll call the police."

I thought this would have been done the easy way, guess not. I spin around grabbing her arm and pining her to a wall. Leaning forward I whisper in her ear, "I warned you."

All that was heard was a snap and her scream. She fell to the ground cradling her arm crying. "You bitch!"

I scoff, "I've been called worse." Turning to the class was funny, some were scared, others were taking pictures and some just didn't even care.

"Now to finally get the what I wanted. I'm looking for someone, Axel Night, please come here."

A tall man stood up and started to walk forward but some plastic girl grabbed his arm. "Axel don't go, she a fucking psycho! It'll be okay, I'll call the cops!"

I walked to them and released her grasp on him, "listen here, he's coming with me and you are not calling the cops unless you want to end up worse than her, okay?" I said in a sweet voice. She cowardly back away with tears in her eyes. It's all an act.

I grab Axel leading him out the door when something sharp gripped my wrist. Blood started coming out of the marks. "Shit!"

I turn to see Axel pissed off with his claws out. Are you kidding me, nows not the time buddy.

"Let go of me or I'll rip you to pieces." I laughed. I laughed so hard that it hurt. Is he threatening me? How cute.

"Listen buddy, do you know what you are?" He hesitated and shook his head. "Well I do and if you threaten me again I'll make sure to feed you to the hunters. Okay?"

"My dads a hunter you bitch and he's coming to kill you!" Oh not this again, Barbie, plastic girl, called her fucking daddy. Pathetic.

"Let me guess, Barbie's your girlfriend?" I said to him.

"Yes I am!" Her squeaky voice is starting to get on my nerves.

"Last time I checked, your not Axel so shut the hell up!" I snapped.

She backed away pointing at me, "y-your eyes. They're black!"

I smiled, "like my soul." Turning to Axel I see that he finally retracted his claws, About damn time.

I start to hear people coming, stupid hunters. "We need to leave, now or they'll kill you." Not wanting to waste more time he nods.

We start running down the hallway seeing students poking out of their classrooms to see what going on. We get to the end of hall to see 2 hunters. Damnit!

"Hello boys." I said as they glare at me. "You see you're in our way so please move."

They didn't listen as they start to charge towards us.

Those boys aren't smart, are they?

Nope. Now it's time to play.

I run at them snatching away one of the guns shooting the first guy. With his death his buddy got more pissed off, not thinking he tries to shoot me. I dodge hitting him in the head with my gun successfully knocking him out. No blood, nice job Kat.

I turn around to find a dead hunter in front of Axel, a proud look on his face.

"Come on! We gotta go!" I yell at him. He nods and we head to the car.

Once we're in I look out the window to see Sophia with a shocked look on her face, I smile at her then leave.


Yay I finished the chapter! You guys with your wonderful comments helped me out ; ) I'm so happy you guys like this book so far, it makes me so happy! I freaked out when I say I had a comment so thank you!
See you guys in the next update!

- Porchia

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