Chapter 10-Destiny?

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Dedicated to ArcticKaturn because she pushes me to write my chapters all the time and is a big supporter ; )

I walked angrily down the hallway pushing past people as they glared at me.

In my cloud of anger I accidentally bumped into someone. Wow nice going Kat, what's are you going to do next? Fall on your face?

I groan rubbing my nose from where the persons broad chest had hit.

"Watch where you're going next time would ya!" The person yelled.

Roger Anderson, the leader of the former jocks had the nerve to yell at me? At this moment? He's dead.

I looked up at him since he's really freaking tall. Although I'm normal height, he's a giant.

"You want to repeat that buddy?" I snarled angrily at him.

It seems that little old Roger has no brains because he decided to repeat what he said like a dead man.

"I said watch where you're going next time, are you deaf?" He smirked thinking he won.

He's going to not be smirking in a minute but it's too bad, he's hot. Not for long that is.

Now we're thinking the same for once.

I started to walk around him slowly dragging my finger across his face giggling. "Tsk, tsk, tsk little Roger, you aren't very smart now are ya?" I questioned all innocently.

He looked at me with a little fear at my change in behaviour. He stepped back a inch only for me to get closer to him.

I smirked at him then quickly grabbed his chin bringing him down to my level. He gasped at the sudden movement then grinned from ear to ear.

"If you wanted me to kiss you all you had to do is ask baby." He purred nuzzling his face in the crook in my neck.

Shivering in disgust I growled grabbing his hair pulling his hair back. He cussed out at me but I didn't let up.

I got close to his face my breath fanning it, and I quietly spoke so only him and I can hear. "Run. Fast. This is the only chance you get but if you don't, I've never minded a good chase." I smirked at him and let go of his hair.

He pushed away and ran off like a dog with his tail between its legs. Well I guess he is a dog considering he's a mutt.

I laughed and looked around, everyone had shocked expressions. Then they started whispering.

'Oh my gosh what just happened?'

'Did she just do that to Roger?!'

'She's a bitch.'

'Was that Destiny?'

The last comment caught my eye pissing me off.

I slowly walked over to the girl who said the comment to see her shocked that I'm coming over to her.

I was about a meter away when I spoke so deadly I would have been scared to be on the receiving end.

"You thought that was Destiny? That's was all me. Destiny would have killed him slow and painfully until he begged her to let him die to end the torture." As I spoke the girl started to look so scared that she started to shake. I think she might pee herself. But I continued.

"That can be you in a matter of seconds. Do you want that?" She shook her head viciously. I leaned in close to her ear, "then mind your own damn business before your not able to anymore and if you're as dumb as I think you are," I smiled at her,"it means I'll kill you."

I backed up and smiled wider as she slowly slid down the wall she was leaning against, curling into a ball and crying. Her friends went around and comfort her while I laughed and went to my room.

Good job, you put that bitch in her place.

Thanks Destiny.

I smiled feeling absolutely no guilt whatsoever. 


I was sitting on my bed reading when Rose barged in the door looking furious. I glanced over at her to see her glaring at me. I sighed setting my book down and sat up looking at her indicting for her to speak.

I think that made her more pissed off. Oops.

"Did you do that?" Rose spoke oddly calm. This ain't going to be good.

I cocked my head in confusion, "what do you mean?"

Wrong choice of words.

Rose started to pace around the room trying to let her anger out. It sucks to be me cause she'll let it out on poor little Kat.

Rose looked back at me in angered shock. "Are you kidding me?! There's a girl out in the hallway traumatized and she says you did it! So I want to know why and I want to know now."

This angered me. I don't like being told what to do, it's my life and I can do whatever the fuck I want.

I stood up from my bed and walked over to Rose. "Who do you think you are asking me questions? This is my life and that girl out there; she crossed a line by judging. She got what she deserved. I didn't even lay a hand on her, she's just weak." I shrugged walking away.

Rose didn't seem to like this because she grabbed my shoulder making me face her.

"What you did was not right at all. You hurt her, verbally. You're just like the guys who bullied me but the only difference is, you're worse. You're a bully Kat." Rose spat in my face.

Shock and hurt washed over me all at once. I'm not a bully. I'm not.

Don't believe her. I told you that she's not trustable!

She is...she's just mad okay?

Suuurrreee whatever floats your boat.

I looked Rose in the eyes to see hers glossing over. She's on the verge of tears because of me. Great freaking job Kat.

I sighed in frustration not knowing what to do.

Rose looked at me hurt. "What is it she said that made you so mad?"

I looked down embarrassed. It sounds stupid now...

Stop it with these feelings!

Stop? That's not possible, even the cold hearted ones feel things.

I looked up at Rose with no emotion. "I don't have to say anything so please drop the subject."

Rose looked hesitant but something made her not ask anymore questions. She nodded and walked off to her bed, as did I for a restless night.


I know it's short sorry! It's only a filler. The action is about to start ; )

thanks to everyone who reads this story, without you this wouldn't be possible. ^_^

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