House of Life/House of Breaths

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Outside, Lucille, Sarah, Jonah, and Niamh huddled away from the adults.

"We have to go after them," Sarah declared, referring to the Triad.

"What about the house?" Lucille inquired, the fire reflecting in her gaze. "They're still in there."

"I'll stay," Jonah insisted. "But as the Chosen One, you have to stop those gods."

"I'll go with her," Sarah stated.

Niamh decided she'd stay back with Jonah, and Sarah and Lucille headed off in the direction the gods had gone. They weren't difficult to follow seeing as they left a path of destruction wherever they went. They rounded to the school's lawn, stunned at the sight of most of it being torched. Lucille and Sarah could also see other houses from that point which were on fire, students and adults rushing out and shrieking in fear of the predicament.

"I think they're headed straight for the school," Sarah gasped.

"Well we can't let them destroy it," Lucille tried to continue forward, but Sarah didn't move.

"Lucille, the entire campus is being destroyed," Sarah explained. "What are you going to do, negotiate with them?"


Lucille ran across the lawn, and Sarah followed behind. They slowed down as they passed Mr. Owen's body on the ground, Ptah probably having killed him on his path. Neither of them had time to check if he was alive. They continued and set view on the Triad just as they were approaching the school itself.

Nearly in synchronization, Lucille and Sarah started screaming at them as they shortened the distance in between. Ptah, Sekhmet, and Nefertem turned to face them, and Ptah raised his staff.

"No! No, wait!" Lucille yelled, holding up her hands.

As she got closer, she fiddled with the chain around her neck until she was able to pull out and make visible the Eye of Horus locket, hoping that it'd mean something to them.

"Amneris?" Nefertem asked, tilting his head.

Both Lucille and Sarah knew that as the Chosen One, Lucille was considered a descendant of Amneris who had been the very first Chosen One.

"Yes," Lucille swallowed. "Yes, I'm Amneris."

Ptah lowered his staff. "Aigyptos."

"What?" Sarah whispered to Lucille.

"An Egyptian name for Memphis...They want to go home." Lucille came to a sudden realization and said aloud, "You want to go home."

The gods didn't say anything.

"I-I can take you," Lucille lied.

"May Anubis have mercy on your soul," Ptah whispered.

Lucille realized what he was about to do as he raised his staff. With the ankh, it could both create and extinguish life, and Sarah watched as Lucille drew her last breath and dropped to the ground. She figured she'd need to get Jared, and although tears were already blurring her vision, she turned around to head back, but Ptah directed the staff at her too and she dropped as well.

In Anubis house, William followed Jared into Tyler's room where Tyler was on the ground with a stone beam over him. The room was still erupting in flame, and Jared and William didn't have much time to get Tyler out.

"D-does it's hurt?" William asked.

"Does it hurt?" Tyler repeated. "No, I only have a block of stone crushing my rib cage!"

Jared raised his eyebrows but instead of making a sarcastic remark to that sarcastic remark, he just knelt down and told William to help him move the beam. William knelt down as well, and they worked to lift it enough so Tyler could shift himself out the way. As they were trying, the fire in the room spread quickly, pressuring them into lifting the beam in time.

Eventually they did, and Tyler rolled out the way. Jared and William helped Tyler up, but that was when Jared felt a sudden pain in his body, and he staggered a bit.

"Something's wrong," Jared admitted.

The three of them hurried out of the house as it gradually collapsed in flames, and Tyler collapsed outside but still guaranteeing to the others that he was alright. By then, the Society and Rusk had gone off in the same direction as the Triad, and Lucille and Sarah, with the exception of Mr. Duval and Mr. Rainier.

"Where's Lucille?" Jared asked instantly.

"She and Sarah went after the Triad," Jonah revealed. "Why? Is there something wrong?"

Jared took off running in that direction, hoping to find them as soon as possible. Jonah was on the verge of following him, but Rachel captured everyone's attention.

"Guys," she began. She was down on the ground, one reason being because of her ankle (which may have been broken), and the other because she was tending to Tyler. "He's barely breathing."

"I'll phone an ambulance," Mr. Duval chimed-in.

"Thank you," Jonah nodded. "I have to go catch up with Jared." He took off running, and Mr. Rainier accompanied him to ensure he'd be safe.

Mr. Duval took out his phone while Niamh and William were over by Tyler and Rachel. Niamh felt Tyler's pulse and although she wasn't a medic, she knew it was beating abnormally.

"How's your ankle?" William asked Rachel.

"I'd rather not think about it right now," Rachel sighed.

Jared made it to the school to see that it had been destroyed just like the rest of the campus. He was stunned by the sight for just a moment before directing his attention to Lucille and Sarah. He knelt down to them both and realized neither of them were breathing. Mr. Rainier and Jonah eventually arrived while he was there, and both of them had as much of a distraught reaction as Jared.

"They're not-" Jonah began faintly.

"They are," Jared finished.

Mr. Rainier faltered in his step realizing he had failed himself, and Nina, and most of all, the children. Jonah dropped down by Sarah, and Jared found his distress turning into rage.

"That book," Jared thought aloud. "If-if there's a way to summon those gods here, there has to be a way to kill them, right? I mean, all those pages can't just be for nothing. Right?" He looked up at Mr. Rainier for confirmation.

"I-I guess there's a way..." Mr. Rainier responded.

Jared wasted no time. He brought out his phone from his pocket and dialed Niamh who ended up picking up, thankfully having her phone.

"Bring the book to the school as soon as you can. Hurry."

He hung up, trusting that she'd do as he said.

So, I'll probably get another chapter out during the same day seeing as I've written it already. As you can see, the entire campus is practically destroyed and there isn't a clear idea on how to defeat the Triad, but Jared is surely trying.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always, until next time, Aristocrats.

House of Anubis: Triad of MemphisWhere stories live. Discover now