House of History/House of Libraries

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William went to Niamh's room followed by Rachel. They both found her on her bed just in the middle of placing earbuds in her ears. She paused when they entered.

"Hey, are you okay?" William asked sympathetically.

"Yeah, did I say something wrong?" Rachel added.

"When a girl leaves a room, it means she doesn't want to be bothered," Niamh explained as politely as she could. "Now if you would-" She gestured toward the door.

Rachel hesitated but followed William's lead and closed the door after they left. They remained outside the door for a while, and Rachel whispered to William.

"I really didn't mean to upset her."

"Y-you didn't...She'll be fine. It's shouldn't bring up Jared around her. I mean, she really hates his guts," William lied. "Like, a lot."


They headed out toward the stairs when William spotted Mr. Rainier coming up the stairs. He dismissed himself from Rachel and tagged along with Mr. Rainier to Rainier's room.

William took a seat in a wooden chair as Mr. Rainier sat on his mattress. He took a deep breath before delving right in, of course knowing exactly why William was there. He'd be revealing what he knew about Anubis house from how it used to belong to the Frobisher-Smythes all the way to the tunnels extending from the cellar.

"Robert Frobisher-Smythe built all those tunnels?" William questioned in awe. "With booby-traps and all that?"

Mr. Rainier nodded.

"No way. Can I see them?"

"Unfortunately, there's a code needed to reach them," Mr. Rainier told him. "I'm not entirely sure what it is. Although...there was another entrance through the Frobisher Library."

"There's a Frobisher library?" William repeated.

"It's been condemned so there was a Frobisher library."

"But just because it's condemned doesn't mean we can't go and enter," William led on.

"Actually, that's exactly what it means, William," Mr. Rainier clarified.

"Right...I knew that," William mumbled.

The next day, William walked through the school's halls side-by-side with Rachel who was in the middle of rambling on about how much she'd been rehearsing for the play on her own time when Tyler came into the equation mid-sentence. He excused himself and claimed he had something important to discuss with William. At that time, the three of them were over by Rachel's locker, and Tyler allowed her to listen in.

"It's not so pleasing when best friends keep secrets from you, wouldn't you say?" Tyler asked William.

"I-I-" William shifted on his feet uncomfortably, not understanding why he was asking this. "What?"

"You're close friends with Sarah and Lucille, yeah?"

William nodded slowly.

"Well, they and the twins are in some sort of conspiracy..." Tyler glanced over at Rachel as she rolled her eyes. "I just figured you'd like to know."

"I don't really care."

"But they're your friends," Tyler continued. "Perhaps you'd be interested in finding out more about all the things they're doing without you."

William pursed his lips, a deep breath through his nose to considered it, and then replied, "Nope."


"Tyler," Rachel chimed-in, "not everyone is as interested in other people's affairs as you are."

"Yeah," William agreed. "Sure they're my friends, but they can do whatever they want."

Tyler let out a low growl and Rachel raised her eyebrows at that. William spotted Niamh across the hall and left the two of them to meet up with her. On their way to their next class, he explained all that he recalled from what Mr. Rainier had shared with him.

"Oh, and before you ask, condemned kind of means we can't go inside," William added after explaining the library.

"I know that," Niamh chuckled as they entered their history class together. "But that's never stopped me before."

"Niamh, that could be illegal," William informed, catching on.

"Look, the key to trespassing is not getting caught," Niamh grinned. As they sat together, she continued to explain. "All we have to do is figure out where this place is, check it out really quickly, and then we can leave back at Anubis house."

"W-what if we get lost down there?" William pointed out.

"Don't worry Will, I'll be sure to have my compass handy," Niamh joked. Just as the teacher entered, Niamh raised her hand high. "Mr. Harvey, do you happen to know where the Frobisher library might be located?"

William felt like screaming, but he kept himself collected. As Mr. Harvey placed down his things, he adjusted his glasses and answered, "Well it is on campus. Not too far from the houses, actually. I wouldn't be able to tell you the exact location; it's quite isolated...Why do you express such an interest in that old place anyway?"

"Oh," Niamh began glancing over at William who was burrowing his face in his hands. "William and I were just thinking about paying a visit and perhaps getting the place opened again. You know...for the students."

"Well, I doubt that'll happen," Mr. Harvey expressed. "It's all been shut down since a very long time ago. You'd have to make quite the argument to get that padlock off the doors." He chuckled. "But, why don't you come see me after class. Maybe I could present the idea to Mr. Owen for you and see where it goes."

"Sounds wonderful," Niamh smiled.

William and Niamh shared eye contact with William appearing embarrassed, and Niamh bearing a grin.

After class, Mr. Harvey asked that Niamh and William jot down a few of their ideas and within a few moments, they made up a list to hand him. He nodded to them as he took it and headed off straight to the headmaster office, leaving them to head to their next class of the day.

He slipped into Mr. Owen's office and shut the door behind himself. Mr. Owen looked away from his computer as Mr. Harvey approached his desk and tore the slip of paper right in front of him.

"Two of my students express concern with the Frobisher library," Mr. Harvey admitted. "Niamh Byrne and William Lewis. They'd like for it to reopen."

"Those two again," Mr. Owen grumbled, recognizing the names from the recent case with expulsion. "If it's a Frobisher library they want, it's a Frobisher library they'll get."

Alright, that is the chapter for you all! I really hope you enjoyed it. Some strange things are going on around the school...

Anyway, for now...

Do you think the students can trust Mr. Harvey?

Do you think Mr. Owen will end up reopening the Frobisher library?

That's all for now! Until next time, Aristocrats.

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