House of Help/House of Break-Ins

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Jonah went after Lucille for Jared's sake and found her outside on a bench, just by the brick wall. She was staring outward longingly and didn't take notice to him coming up beside her.

"Hey. Lucille." Jonah shoved his hands into his pockets.

Lucille didn't respond.

"You know this doesn't change who he is."

"Of course I know that," Lucille nodded. "I just thought, maybe I provoked him a little. You don't-you don't think I hurt his feelings, do you? I don't know, pushed him too hard?"

"For what? For asking why he can't read it for himself?" Jonah gave a slight smile and sat down beside her. "He's dealt with this all his life; he's experienced much worse."

"Okay," Lucille took in a deep breath, feeling reassured. "But now I kind of want to help him."

"First, you're going to have to convince him to comply," Jonah admitted, "because he's never shown any interest in getting better."

Lucille nodded slowly. She suddenly got an idea."Leave that to me."


William caught up with Niamh just before school had gotten out and had to call her name three times as he approached just for her to notice he was there. She appeared lost in thought, but William had to talk to her about the reason he came in the first place.

"So, what's the further plan for the library?" he asked her.


"The library..." William trailed. "Frobisher library."

"Oh right, right." Niamh recollected herself. "Until it opens, we can't get that padlock off the door legally."

"Meaning there's a way to do it illegally?"

Niamh raised her eyebrows. "You sound more like me than you. Am I rubbing off on you, Lewis?"

"I'm afraid so," William shrugged. He returned back to the matter at hand. "So?"

Niamh glanced around and found that no one was giving their direct attention towards them, so she faced back to her locker and pulled out a hammer from the shelf. William was lost for words as she stuffed into her bag. She faced him and signaled for him to keep quiet when she held a finger over her lip.

She shut her locker and began heading toward the exit door, but Rachel was passing just then and had stopped William.

"Hey, Mr. Duval needs to see us for the play," Rachel told him. "Last minute rehearsal change."

William glanced back at Niamh who seemed discontent with this but then just sighed, "Go. The play is the priority as...someone important has probably said at some time in history. I'll just go do that thing alone-the thing we were headed to, yeah?" Niamh tried to play it discreet in the presence of Rachel who was just waiting patiently.

"Yeah," William nodded. Rachel pulled William along down the hall to the theater.

Lucille was occupying herself in the kitchen until she finally saw just the person she was waiting for.

Jared came in and sat on one of the couches and propped his feet on the table while he tossed his bag to his side. Lucille picked up the cereal box, marched out of the kitchen, and loomed over by Jared. She tossed the box at him, nearly hitting him in the face, and folded her arms.


"Read it," Lucille demanded sternly.


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