House of Time/House of Heartbreak

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Lucille, Jared, Jonah, Sarah, and Tyler stood together in the foyer, curious about Jared and Lucille's vision. Whatever it meant, they didn't know yet, but apparently Lucille and Jared had awoken something.

"Why would I get a warning from my dad?" Lucille asked aloud.

"Well if it's coming from the previous Osirion, it's safe to assume it's something bad," Sarah figured.

"Wait, wait, wait," Tyler interrupted. "Your dad..."

Lucille nodded, not waiting for him to finish. When the Sibuna members had first explained the concept to Tyler, they hadn't mentioned Lucille's father or Sarah's mother in the sense that they were the Chosen One and Osirion, like Lucille and Jared.

Lucille continued, "Maybe I should call him? Ask him if he meant to do that?"

"It could work," Sarah approved. "Have you told him you're the Chosen One yet?"

Lucille hesitated, realizing it had never crossed her mind to do so.

"You might want to mention that first," Jonah advised.

Tyler had guaranteed himself a suitable position in Sibuna, being the newest member. He took note of the most recent riddle the club had encountered and recited it to himself between classes. He was sitting with Rachel at one point during the next day, his gaze focused down on the words before him.

"'Sun, moon, stars, rain; autumn will fall when winter comes again," he muttered to himself.

"What was that?" Rachel asked.

"Nothing," he dismissed quickly. "I'm just...uh...poetry."

Rachel raised her eyebrows at him. "Well can I see this poetry you're writing?"

"See it?" Tyler repeated.

Rachel nodded.


Rachel suddenly noticed William coming in, and she quickly took Tyler's hand in her own. She flashed a glance at William who was then looking over at them.

"Come on, Tyler," Rachel began, "it's nearly time for class."

"Time," Tyler muttered under his breath. Then he repeated more definitively, "Time. Rachel, you're a genius!" Tyler gave a gentle hug to Rachel and then hurried out the room, paying no mind to William.

William turned away from Rachel and left the room afterwards.

Tyler found the rest of Sibuna in their next class, and all of them sat in the vicinity of eachother. Tyler informed the others that he figured out the solution to the riddle and that they should discuss it once they were out of school.

Class went by slowly, but eventually it was over and all of Sibuna filed out the classroom ahead of everyone else and discussed Tyler's findings on the way back to Anubis house.

"Time," Tyler began. "The riddle means time. Sun, moon, stars, rain; autumn will fall when winter comes again," Tyler recited. "It's not about the weather, or seasons, it's referring to the passing of time. So whatever the next task is, has to do with time."

"But the next task has a sun and moon in it," Jonah informed, knowing Tyler hadn't yet been down to the tunnels. "Two levers which I suppose controls each of those and then a third one...we don't know what that does."

"Take me down there tonight," Tyler insisted. "I'll figure it out."

"Jared and I can take you," Jonah finalized. "And we'll report back to you the next morning. Sound good?" he addressed Lucille and Sarah this time.

They each agreed.

"Hey Lucille, did you get in contact with your dad yesterday?" Jared asked.

"I-" Lucille seemed to be distracted by something, "-I'll be right back."

Lucille left the group and headed over to William who was also on his way to the house and trudging in a sullen way. She paced herself alongside him.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

William sniffles a bit and then plastered on a fake smile. "What makes you think something's wrong?"

"Because you've never been good at hiding your feelings," Lucille told him truthfully. "So, why so sad?"

William appeared as though he was going to say something, but he just shook his head and heaved a sigh.

"Tell me...Please."

"It's Rachel," William admitted. "Apparently she has a boyfriend, and now my heart is crushed so if you'd excuse me-"

William tried to speed ahead, but Lucille grabbed his arm and pulled him back to stay alongside her. "You really like her that much?"

William shrugged. "I tried to tell her, but she walked away, and when I tried to talk to her again, she just said it, that Tyler was her boyfriend."

Lucille glanced over at Tyler with the others and then rubbed her hand on William's back.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Lucille paused for a moment. As she continued with what she was saying, she found herself staring over at Jared almost with the same sadness that William portrayed. "I'm not much of the relationship expert, but if they have no interest in you, then maybe...maybe you just shouldn't have any interest in them."

Lucille eventually met back up with the other Sibuna members, informing them that she had contacted her dad and that he wasn't aware of sending any vision, but he did have a certain offset feeling. Later on after lights out, just as was planned, Lucille and Sarah would skip out on the cellar that night, and Jared, Jonah, and Tyler would be heading down.

In Lucille and Sarah's room, before either of them went to sleep, Lucille initiated a conversation with Sarah. "Hey Sarah..."


"What do you do, if you kiss someone but you don't necessarily tell them you like them?" Lucille paused a moment and then added, "Because you're sure they couldn't possibly like you back?"

"Don't tell me you're saying what I think you're saying."

"I kind of kissed Jared a while ago..."

"A while ago?" Sarah repeated. She turned her lamp back on, scrambled out of her bed, and practically threw herself onto Lucille's bed. "And you didn't tell me?!"


"-and that're saying you like Jared?"

"I was talking with William earlier, and I just kind of realized...And now I don't know what to do because I know he doesn't like me back." Lucille nearly came to tears as Sarah pulled her close and tight in an embrace.

"You don't know that. You don't know he doesn't like you back," Sarah comforted.

"It's obvious he likes Niamh, and anyway, they're perfect for eachother." Lucille pulled away from Sarah and wiped her eyes. "If he really liked me, he would've said so by now."

Sarah felt sympathy for her. She watched as Lucille laid back down in her bed and faced the other way, obviously not wanting to talk anymore. Sarah went to her own bed and turned off the lamplight.

Sort of a sad chapter for Lucille and William...Nonetheless, I do hope you enjoyed it and for now, here are some discussion questions.

Do you think Tyler can figure out the puzzle?

Should Lucille tell Jared how she feels?

Until next time, Aristocrats!

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