House of Impersonation/House of Panic

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Jonah eventually met with Sarah Sunday morning after he had finished fixing himself up like Jared. The two of them stood out in the hall by the girls' rooms, and Sarah was providing moral support just before Jonah had to go into the room.

"You can do this," she reassured. "I'll be right outside this door, and you yell if you need me, alright?"

Jonah nodded.

"Now go get her." Sarah shoved Jonah towards the door which he ended up banging into but immediately recovered.

Jonah felt that his body colliding with the door was warning enough that someone wanted to enter the room, so he opened the door without knocking. He closed it behind himself and noticed as Lucille sat upright.

"Lucil-Lucy," Jonah quickly corrected himself.

"Jared, you know I don't want-"

"-can we talk?"

Lucille headed a sigh. Jonah finally pried himself away from the door and stood awkwardly in the center of the room.

"I'm sorry."

"You're not the one who needs to be sorry for anything," Lucille shrugged.

Jonah tried to think of a way in which Jared would respond to that. Lucille waited patiently.

"I'm sorry that I'm...still in love with you."

Lucille opened her mouth but didn't say anything.

"I, uh..." Jonah's eyes wandered until he continued, "I'm sorry that I can't stop thinking about you." He looked into Lucille's eyes shyly. He noticed the same pain in her eyes that he would see in his brother's and he tried to evoke that same emotion, seeing as it could possibly work. "I barely eat. I barely sleep, and when I do, I don't want to wake up because it means waking up to a reality without you. And...I was debating whether or whether not this was a good idea-me coming here and all, don't deserve to hurt yourself like this. And who better to tell you that other than the one you hurt just as much?"

Lucille suppressed the tears as she rose to her feet and stood there awkwardly as well.

"I know you didn't want to break up with me," Jonah added. "And you know that too."

Lucille stood there, still as she could. She finally nodded. "Yeah."

"So, um..." Jonah felt like he had done well enough and decided to head off. "If you have anything to say after this, you know where to find me."

He backed away toward the door, but Lucille suddenly said, "No. Wait...Stay."

"Stay?" Jonah repeated, barely above a whisper.

Lucille approached him and he backed away until his back was against the door.

"Would you kiss me?" Lucille asked. "Can you?"

Jonah went through a stage of panic before he started coughing violently. "Actually, you know, I think I'm coming down with something."

"I don't care."

"No, Lu-"

Jonah couldn't finish his sentence. Lucille had come forward and kissed him passionately, and he couldn't do anything but stand there. When Lucille pulled away, he was suspended for just a moment.

Lucille awaited a response.

Jonah laughed awkwardly and fled the room quickly to escape the situation. Sarah followed him before Lucille was able to come out after either of them.

"Oh my god," Sarah heard Jonah chime as she entered into the boys' bathroom after him. "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god."

"What?" Sarah interrogated, shutting the door.

"She-" Jonah couldn't put it into words so he used his hands to group his fingers together and mash them against one another.

"Kissed you?" Sarah inferred. She suddenly realized the intensity of situation. "Kissed you?!"

"Quiet! Shh. Shhhh." Jonah proceeded to pace around.

"Well you can't tell Jared..."

"Then what do I tell him?!"

"Shhhh," Sarah did the same to him. "Just that he and Lucille are back together and he shouldn't ask how."

"And you think Jared follows 'rules'?"


"-Sarah, this is bad. This is so bad. This is more than bad."

"Are you crying?"

"I'm panicking!"

"Okay, just...just calm down." Sarah took hold of his shoulders and sat him near the sink. "We can figure this out."

Jonah began hyperventilating.

"Okay, you're going to make me start panicking," Sarah informed.

"How are you not already?! How could I do this to Jared? How could you make me do this?!"

"I-" Sarah hesitated. "Look, it'll be okay."

"Will it?"

Sarah pursed her lips. "Yeah."

Niamh and William found eachother during the day. William figured he'd eventually try to slip in a mention of Rusk considering neither Jonah or Sarah had reported with any success from their attempt. Niamh had other things to talk about at first, so he decided to bring up the topic later.

They were in the living room and Niamh asked, " have you been?"

"I've been well..."


"Look," William stated abruptly, "we're friends again. Nothing about us needs to be awkward."

"Which means I can tell you anything, right?"

They were sitting on opposite couches, and that was the moment when William went to sit directly next to her, prepared to listen with his utmost attention.

"Alright..." Niamh took a deep breath. "Well Jared basically told me that he can't fall in love with me."

William remained silent.

"And I made him think I felt the same way."

William didn't respond but instead he enveloped Niamh into his arms, all while Niamh tried to push him away.

"Stop, I don't do hugs."

William didn't let go. And eventually Niamh stopped struggling, realizing it was something she desperately needed. It was only her best friend's arms which made her feel just a bit better, and she cherished them.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Until next time, Aristocrats.

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