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//imagine an iron maiden shirt on and no necklace, there mikey//

How long was I asleep? I can hear voices...where am I? A whine escaped my lips, it was dry and crackling like a radio station. The voices quieted. Then footsteps retreated back towards me. I couldn't open my eyes, just locked in a darkness. My eyes twitched and rolled under the lids. Soft lips pressed on my nose. A smile turned my lips up.

"Get up baby," his voice sounded raw. I scrunched my eyebrows together and opened my eyes slowly, as if his voice was the key. There he was. Red haired, hazel eyes, childish, Gerard. I smiled weakly and sat up. A wave of nausea hit me and caused me to stagger. "Woah there Frankie," his voice barely over a whisper warned. I looked down at my body, it was normal. Pale and inked but shirtless and pant-less, just a pair of briefs were on.

"Gee?" my voice cracked a bit as I motioned to the no clothes thing. He blushed and curled a piece of hair behind his ear, it was adorable.

"You were covered in throw up, we had to clean you up..."


"Oh sorry," he turned from me and cupped his hands together, "Mikes!" he called, not too loudly, thank god because even at that noise level a headache was stabbing behind my eyes. Gerard glanced back at me, "Mikey, my brother, came after I flipped out." I looked away and bit my lip. "You scared me Frank, and," he touched my cheek tenderly, "and I don't want to lose you, in any way, shape, or form." A shaky smile came back to brighten my features. A knock at the door dragged us both into reality. He wiped his hand on his lap before getting up and opening the door. A tall, and extremely skinny, boy with bleached blond hair stepped in, that hair sure was special all bleach on top and dark brown on the sides and underneath. His eyes were a darker hazel, almost Gerard's, and damn that chin. It was so fucking sharp, I bet his razors break when he shaves. I so was focused on his jaw that I didn't notice Gerard grinning at me.

"Huh?" I asked dumbly once I did realize.

"You must be the infamous Frank Iero, I'm Mikey, Gerard's brother," He held out a hand.

"Little brother," Gerard pipped and corrected. Mikey laughed, a shy smile made it seem like he doesn't usually smile a lot. I shook his hand and nodded.

"I guess that is me," Gerard was beaming at the both of us. Mikey stepped back, I got a good look at his clothes. What? I think clothes describe a lot about a person. He simply had on a black Iron Maiden t-shirt on and ripped skinny jeans. This family seems to love skinny jeans, not that I'm complaining. I smiled at him again, "nice shirt." Mikey, surprised, glanced down.

"Oh nice, you like them too?"

"Uh yeah, they basically are the reason I was such a punk kid," The younger brother grinned.

"We grew up on them, and Smashing Pumpkins. Actually Smashing Pumpkins was our first concert together." He elbowed Gerard.

"Hell yeah it was, damn I want to go back," Mikey nodded in agreement with Gerard and fell silent. "He's the silent type if you haven't guessed," Gee winked. I laughed, then I looked down at my basically naked self.

"Uh, could someone get me a blanket or something?" I grew red as Mikey held his hand up for a moment before skipping out of the room. Oh yeah, where am I? "Gee? What room are we in?"

"Attic, it's cleaner up here and quiet. You were out for a long time, like a day and a half. It's around four on Tuesday now." I shot up, ignoring the pain in my head.

"WHAT?" Gerard shrugged.

"You were out cold, I slept with you and brought food and everything,"

"Gerard, you were an absolute mess until I got here yesterday morning," Mikey said matter of factly as he came through with a blanket. Gerard took it from him with a small scowl and opened it neatly before placing it over me. I gripped the blanket with white knuckles.

"My work, my dog. My dog! What about Sweet Pea?" Panic was pulsing through my body. Alarms setting off as everything undone went around and around.

"I got her, she's downstairs probably watching Dawn of the Dead, and Mikey was comforting her." I let out a sigh.

"And my job?"

"I told your boss, uh Jamia I think her name is, that you were passed out from a hangover and today I said you were still puking. She said you don't have to work until Thursday, if you're up for it." I covered my face as I realized everything was okay. There was a hand on my cheek, I grabbed it and pulled it around me. Gerard hugged me against his chest tight.

"Thank you, holy shit thank you so much," I whispered. He ran his fingers through my hair and kissed the top of my head.

"Now Frank," I snapped up when Mikey addressed me, "what happened?" what? Gerard pulled away as well and his eyes shifted between mine.

"Baby, you were screaming and crying and throwing up and breaking things, what triggered it? Was it me? I won't confess big things like that again if it was and I'm sorry an-"I pressed my finger to his mouth and gave a one sided smile.

"It wasn't you, it was definitely not you." I kissed his hands and rubbed them with my thumbs. "I don't know what it was, truthfully." I sighed, they wouldn't understand even if I told them. "It felt like I was choking on darkness or something, it was foul and gooey, I don't know what it was."

"Ghoul," Mikey spat, I flinched. He must think he said it quietly.


"Nothing," he twisted on his heel and left. What the hell does he know, that I don't? Gerard stroked my cheekbones with his thumbs.

"Come on, let's get you better," he rubbed his nose on mine, I giggled. He intertwined our hands and helped me up. I quickly tied the blanket around my waist, then caught up with him. He kissed the corner of my lips gently before helping me down the attic stairs.


//now that comes to an end of my already done chapters, gotta blast and start writing..cool

i'll update as soon as i can then!

so does everyone love Mikey yet?

i fucking do he's great//

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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