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  //it was actually painful to not make this smutty so enjoy//  

Finally the leather jacket was clean of crimson blood. Even though it could be a nice touch to it, it needed to get off. I sighed at the green sleeves I sew on the jacket, those stains can't get out. I grabbed the jacket and my shoes to my room. I placed the two items in the back of my closet and grabbed a shirt as I walked out. Tugging the shirt on and grabbing my dark gray tank top, the one that's soaked in blood, I skipped carefully downstairs. Washing time, I threw in the shirt, drizzled some detergent and started the wash. A yip from the top of the stairs made me turn to see Sweet Pea wiggling. Her ears pricked and eyes wide. I jogged up the stairs and reached down to pet her.

"Hey Pea," I said softly and picked her up. My stomach growled unhappily. I rolled my eyes at the sound. "I don't even have food stomach. I spent my money on this bitch," I nuzzled Sweet Pea's fur with a smile. "But that's okay," I set the god back on her feet, she did a couple of circles before jumping on her bed. I smiled before turning to the kitchen. I opened the fridge first. Old meats, some cheese, milk. Next the top cabinets. Cereal, mac and cheese. Mac and cheese it is then. I grabbed pots and the box. Quickly making the water and putting it on the stove. While waiting for the water to boil, I grabbed a bowl and fork. Then I went to my movie stand. Lots of horror movies, some chick flicks, and some music related movies. I made a popping sound with my mouth and randomly chose a movie. I looked at the rectangle that's now in my hand, some old vampire movie. "Eh," I popped the disk from its case and put it in the DVD box. Then I returned to the boiling water, it was indeed boiling. Dumping in the contents of the mac and cheese with that powdered cheese, I stirred it together. Thank god this doesn't take very long. Soon enough the mac and cheese was done and I put it in the bowl.

Sweet Pea yipped when I walked to the couch with a piping hot bowl of food. I shook my head at her. "No Sweet Pea." The small brown dog sneezed and sat down. "Bless you!" I smiled, she didn't budge. I don't get how dogs hold grudges, wow. I jumped on the couch with a sigh. "Ah, I need to relax," I glanced at my legs, "and I can't do that with jeans." I got back up, still holding the mac and cheese because that dog is a ninja and will eat it. I quickly shimmied out of the jeans and threw on some gray sweatpants. I glanced at my shirt, huh an Iron Maiden shirt. Cool, one of my favorite bands. I went back to the couch again, grabbed the blanket from the arm of the couch, and curled up with my food. Pressed play, movie starts, I eat my food. A nice relaxing night if I do say so myself. I patted the couch and looked at Sweet Pea. She panted happily and jumped up on my hips. I smiled as her tiny form curled on me. The movie's pretty bad. Bad acting. Bad accents. Bad blood/gore moments. Bad everything, including the character designs and set. I was laughing at the whole video it was that bad. The girl looked like she was annoyed the whole movie and the vampire had a terrible accent. After about half an hour in the movie I finished the mac and cheese and was starting to grow drowsy. I yawned and rubbed my hair and face.

"Come on Frank, turn off the goddamn movie and not waste power." I grumbled to myself but didn't listen. I twisted on the couch and closed my eyes, "Just going to close my eyes and wipe away a headache," I murmured but didn't open my eyes again. Instead the sound of screams on the TV mixed and droned out. I fell asleep with my mouth open and the empty bowl on my chest.

The city was a mess. Fire was sizzling all over the ground, sparks spit into the sky. I looked around the scene. I'm on a hilltop that's looking over the city, I looked at my hands. No gloves. No jacket, no Cryptic Ghoul here. I took in a shuddering breath and looked back over the city. Flames scraped at the midnight blanket over the sky. I looked to the moon to see it staring coldly at the fire. A twig snapped. I flinched and twisted around. There he was. Fire like cobwebs on his arms, swirling and flickering over his skin. A white jacket with red strips on the shoulders. A large white hood covering his eyes. Tight, extremely fucking tight, like not normal tight, black pants. A large belt with bullet rounds hangs off his waist. Big laced boots up to his knees. I let my eyes linger at the gun strapped to his thigh and the strap of small throwing knives on his left shin. I swallowed down my thundering heart. He stepped closer and I saw his hands were also covered by brown leather gloves. Copycat, thought because they're the same type as my black gloves. He stopped in front of me.


"Poison," I bit my lip in anticipation. The fire on him vanished, making the only source of light the moon and fires on the city. "What happened?" I whispered hoarsely. Poison laughed.

"You don't remember? You made a crazy plan to blow up the city." I stared at him shocked. "Nice plan for a villain I must say but why?" I saw his eyes glint in the fire. He pushed back his hood to show crazy dyed red hair. A yellow mask with blue dots decorated his face. I caught a glimpse of his shocking green eyes. His lips perked up to show small teeth but I felt a weight in my chest so I looked away. Not without glancing at his neck, Roadkill. Words on his neck always change to show something about him. I never ask about it but interviewers do. He noticed me looking. "What's wrong?" I looked at the ground.

"Why did I do it?" I asked him as if he knew. He shrugged and took a step forward.

"It's pretty," He said almost sleepily. I cocked my head to the side with scrunched eyebrows.


"Fire, it's pretty." I opened my mouth to talk back but he interrupted, "No one died, Python Hiss got them out. Kaleidoscope Eyes helped him." I looked at the ground.

"I'm sorry." I kicked the dirt. Poison wasn't looking at me, he was next to me and watching the flames.

"So am I." He coughed and I heard him shuffle. I glanced back at him to see he was sitting on the grass. His red hair seemed weightless as it whipped in the warm air.

"I'm sorry for killing those people, I just," I stopped, his head turned to look at me.


"I wanted to know why they did it." I said softly. Poison's gaze burned in my shoulders, funny since he has flame powers. I fidgeted and looked over my shoulder. His green eyes met mine. Heat crept up my face.

"It's okay, you're just, special now." He licked his lips and turned away from me. I widened my eyes and turned around to the flame filled New Jersey. I could see the waves crashing on the shore. No fire dared to scorch the beach. I sat down next to the savior of the city. He smiled over at me. "Hi," I couldn't help it, I smiled back. "You have a cute smile, did you know that?" He murmured, I don't think he wanted me to hear. He watched the fires climb the tallest buildings to the moon. I propped my head on my hands with elbows on my knees.

"Why are we enemies?" I wondered aloud. Poison's eyes flickered to me.

"Because you chose that way,"

"Right," I let out a year's worth of held breath. "My fault." I wiped my face and pinched the bridge of my nose, "always my fault." I whispered. Then his hands curled on my wrists. I felt the force of him pulling my hands from my face. I looked at him. He cocked a heart stopping smile.

"I guess this will be my fault then," he leaned in with a light kiss. His hands forced mine between my legs, I shuddered at his touch on my thighs. His lips forced into mine and I let him. This is his fault but that's okay. He broke the connection and rested his forehead on mine. "I'm sorry. I want to be a better brother, a better son. I want to do something for them. So I have to do this." His lips rested on mine quickly.

"Just fucking fire." He grabbed the gun from his hoister and the point of it dug into my thin shirt.

"Oh, nice shirt." I looked to see it was the Iron Maiden shirt.-

I jerked awake. Cold sweat beading on my forehead. My face tingling, my pants building with heat.

"Fuck." I cursed and ran fingers through sweat dampened hair. Sweet Pea was staring at me with an unamused expression. With that angry look, she jumped on the target then to the ground. I bucked and groaned in pain. "Dammit Sweet Pea," I bit my lip hard and my breaths were short in pain. "Dammit, dammit, dammit." I swung my legs off the couch and raced to the bathroom. 


//alright i think ill just update two for now cause it took me too long to make a cover and im tired..

vote and comment please!! i'd love to know what you think of it so far...//

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